Periodic table Group/family period Metalloid Metal Transition element Non-metal
History of Periodic Table Mendeleev (1869) arranged elements based on atomic mass Anton van den Broek proposed that elements should be arranged to nuclear charge instead of atomic mass Moseley confirmed these findings with x-ray spectra and arranged them by atomic number. Therefore, atomic number will increase from left to right.
H - Hydrogen Li - Lithium Na - Sodium K - Potassium Be -Beryllium Mg - Magnesium Ca - Calcium Ba – Barium Fe - Iron Ni – Nickel Pt - Platinum Cu - Copper Ag -Silver Au – Gold Zn - Zinc Hg - Mercury B - Boron Al – Aluminum C - Carbon Si - Silicon Ge – Germanium Sn - Tin Pb - Lead N - Nitrogen P - Phosphorus As -Arsenic Sb - Antimony Bi – Bismuth O - Oxygen S - Sulfur Se - Selenium F - Fluorine Cl - Chlorine Br - Bromine I - Iodine He - Helium Ar - Argon Kr –Krypton Ne – Neon
Metals (blue area; groups 1-12 except H, and under stair-step line groups 13-15) Good conductors of heat and electricity Solid at room temperature (except for Hg) Reflects light (luster) Malleable (hammered into sheets) Ductile (stretched/drawn into wire)
Alkali Metals Group 1 (one valence electron) Softer than most other metals Silvery/shiny Most reactive of all metals (reacts rapidly with oxygen and water) Do not occur in nature in elemental form Stored (kerosene) Fr - radioactive
Alkaline Earth Metals Group 2 (2 valence electrons) Not found as free elements in nature Gives fireworks color, bright red lights, aircraft
Transition elements Groups 3-12 (elements in transformation) Form colored compounds Often occur in nature as uncombined elements “Iron Triad” (Fe, Co, Ni – 8, 9, 10) Used to make steel and other metal mixtures “Coinage Metals” (Cu, Ag, Au – 11) Stable, malleable, found in nature as free elements
Zn, Cd, Hg (group 12) Used to coat other metals Cd – rechargeable batteries Hg – liquid thermometers
Inner Transitional Metals ALL are radioactive and unstable Lanthanides (Atomic Number 58-71) Actinides (Atomic Number )
Nonmetals Gases or brittle solids at room temperature Can form ionic or covalent bonds Not malleable Not ductile Most do not conduct heat or electricity Generally not shiny All, except H, are found on right of periodic table (in yellow)
Group 17 “Halogens” Most reactive non-metal 7 electrons in outer nrg level, one needed to make it complete Gains an electron from metal forms a salt In gaseous state form reactive diatomic covalent molecules (identified by distinctive colors) F – most chemically active of all elements Cl – most abundant halogen Br – only nonmetal that is liquid at room temp
Group 18 “Noble gases” Full outer energy level “happy” so they exist as isolate atoms Stable & Relatively unreactive
Metalloids Elements along stair-step line (except for Al) Can form ionic and covalent bonds with other elements metallic and nonmetallic properties Semiconductors
Mixed groups Group 13 – Boron Group (Al most abundant metal) Group 14 – Carbon group Group 15 – Nitrogen Group Group 16 – Oxygen Group
Synthetic Elements Elements not typically found on Earth Made in a lab With exception to Technetium 43 and Promethium 61, each synthetic element has more than 92 protons
Plutonium (94) used in bombs and control rods of nuclear reactors Americium – smoke detectors Transuranium Elements – elements with 92+ Synthetic and unstable; disintegrate quickly Not considered metals, nonmetals, or metalloids
Period Horizontal rows (across) Use to tell energy level Group Vertical columns (down) Elements within a group have similar properties due to valence electrons Use to tell valence electrons Valence electrons the electrons in the outer most energy level that are available to chemically react Correlates to the group number for main group elements
Energy levels (nrg) 1-7 Correlate to periods (rows) on table 1 st nrg level can only hold 2 e. 8 e are needed for each nrg level to make that level complete and stable. Nrg levels closest to nucleus have lower nrg Level 1 up to 2 e Level 2 up to 8 e Level 3 up to 18 e Level 4 up to 32 e
Valence electrons for main group elements Group 1 – 1; give up 1 Group 2 – 2; give up 2 Group 13 – 3; give up 3 Group Group 15 – 5; gain 3 Group 16 – 6; gain 2 Group 17 – 7; gain 1 Group 18 – 8; gain 0
Electron cloud structure Lewis Dot structure