MODELING OF DYNAMIC STRUCTURE OF GENDER STEREOTYPE Perm State University (Perm, Russia) Erofeeva Tamara The department of general and slavistic linguistics Garanovich Marina
GENDER STEREOTYPES (GS) «Cultural and socially influenced opinions and prepositions about qualities, attributes and norms of behavior of representatives of both sexes and their reflection in language» (Kirilina, 1999: 98).
Traditional researches of GS on the basis of nominative and phraseological units with application of contrasting method
Group representations in one ethnic community D ifferentiated description of language awareness of representatives of different social groups Variability of GS
Research actuality Studying of stereotypic concepts of “masculinity" and "femininity"; Revealing of correlations between the content of GS and social parameters of informants; Consideration of GS not only from the position of cognitive linguistics, but also from sociolinguistics.
Hypothesis of research Formation of GS occurs as a result of individual cognitive processes, and under the influence of social factors as well: concepts of a person are formed within the limits of the social groups to which he/she belongs.
Scientific novelty of the research Dependence of GS on social factors is proved. Field models of GS in which hierarchically ordered zones are allocated introduced for the first time. The field structure of a GS allows to describe its variability and to consider it as a dynamic structure.
Research objective To describe the variability of GS depending on different social conditions To show the dependence of GS on social characteristics of native speakers.
Research material Data of linguistic experiments within native Russian speakers – the reactions defining social-psychological characteristics of men (1202) and women (1162) 144 informants age 72 informants (17-39)72 informants (40-65) speci ality 36 humanities 36 science 36 humanities 36 science form ation 18 higher 18 secondary 18 higher 18 secondary 18 higher 18 secondary 18 higher 18 seconda ry sex 9m9m 9w9w 9m9m 9w9w 9m9m 9w9w 9m9m 9w9w 9m9m 9w9w 9m9m 9w9w 9m9m 9w9w 9m9m 9w9w
Object of the research Lexico-semantic markers (LSM), obtained from the reactions of informants on the base of which stereotypes of masculinity- femininity have been modulated.
Subject of research Particularities of formation, content and hierarchy of the lexico-semantic markers (LSM) of examined stereotypes in language consciousness of native Russian speakers, belonging to various social groups.
Theoretical positions of research of GS 1. The structure of stereotype Individual-group level (individual-group concepts) Sociocultural level (socially-shared concepts)
2. The social background of any speaker has certain influence on the formation of GS: the person’s language awareness is naturally connected with the social activity of a person (A.N.Leontev 1975).
Stereotypes of masculinity and femininity (SM/SF) Evaluation concepts of socio-psychological parameters of behavior and typical features of men and women, which are reflected in language and are formed in language consciousness of any society, any social group and any individual.
Methods (=complex of techniques) Linguistic experimentStudy of modern facts of language Sociolinguistic technique and the balanced sampling of informants Consideration of various social parameters Semantic analysis of semantic blocks Definition of the basic aspects of gender stereotyping Quantitative data processingDistribution of reactions into social groups
Сorrelation of semantic zones of general and group stereotypes of masculinity-femininity General GSGroup GS Core Core zone Precore zone Peripheral zonePeriphery (zone of peripherial reactions)
The core of general GS Masculinity (‘force’, ‘mind’ ); Femininity (‘beauty’, ‘tenderness’, ‘being economical’);
The core zone of general GS General GSAutostereotype of men Core Core zone ‘support’ Core zone Precore zone Peripherial zone ‘support’ Periphery (zone of individual reactions)
Precore zone of general GS General GSGroup GS of women Core Core zone ‘father’ Precore zone ‘father’ ‘commitment’ Precore zone Peripherial zone Periphery (zone of individual reactions) ‘ambitions’
Peripherial zone of general GS General GSGroup GS of women Core Core zone Precore zone kindness’, ‘husband’, ‘loving’ Peripherial zone ‘kindness’, ‘husband’, ‘loving’ Periphery (zone of individual reactions)
The graph of distribution of occurances of men and women’s reactions in defining lexico-semantic markers of masculinity
Correlation of factors (r) between distributions of occurances of responses of informants belonging to different social groups Factor SM r Gender 0,41 Age 0,51 Formation 0,61 Speciality 0,78 Factor SFr Gender 0,70 Speciality 0,75 Age 0,78 Formation 0,78
Stereotypes of masculinity/femininity Examined stereotypes of masculinity / femininity appear as complex «kaleidoscopic» cognitive formations generated in social and group language consciousness. Studying social dependence of GS has shown the necessity of complex analysis of GS in language consciousness from linguistic and socio- phycological points of view.
MODELING OF DYNAMIC STRUCTURE OF GENDER STEREOTYPE Perm State University (Perm, Russia) Erofeeva Tamara The department of general and slavistic linguistics Garanovich Marina