AFP Monterey Bay Thursday, October 1, 2015 Presented by: Diane M. Carlson, CEO Philanthropic Services Managing the Ask: Essential Steps When Soliciting Major Donors
Why are major gifts so important to good fundraising?
Major gifts are about relationships
The 4 - Right Rule The right person Asking the right prospect For the right amount At the right time
Five Essential Steps in Raising Major Gifts 1.Identification 2.Evaluation (for ask amounts) 3.Cultivation 4.Solicitation (the 4-right rule) 5.Appreciation
Key Questions When Setting Your Major Gift Goal 1.What is a major gift in your organization? 2.What is the history of major gifts in your organization? 3.Are board members/key volunteers expected to make major gifts? 4.What software do you use to manage major gifts? 5.Is there a donor recognition plan for major donors?
What Does Raising $100,000 Look Like? Number of Prospects Number of Donors Gift Amount TotalCumulative 31$15,000 62$10,000$20,000$35,000 93$5,000$15,000$50, $2,500$10,000$60, gifts = $60, $1,000$20,000$80, $500$15,000$95,000 Many<$500$5000$100,000 Created by: Philanthropic Services
Suggested Gift Chart - $5M * A total of 135 gifts for $4,750,000 # of Gifts Needed Gift LevelValue of Gifts Cumulative Total Giving Tier Totals 1 $1,000,000 $1,000,000$1,000,000$1,000,000 1$500,000$500,000$1,500,000 2$250,000$500,000$2,000,000 6$100,000$600,000$2,600,000 52% of goal from 10 gifts at $2.6M 52% of goal from 10 gifts at $2.6M 15$50,000$750,000$3,350,000 20$25,000$500,000$3,850,000 25% of goal from 35 gifts at $1.25M 25% of goal from 35 gifts at $1.25M 20$20,000$400,000$4,250,000 30$10,000$300,000$4,550,000 40$5,000$200,000$4,750,000 18% of goal from 90 gifts at $900k* Many < $5,000 < $5,000$250,000$5,000,000 5% for $250,000
How to Identify Major Donor Prospects Where are they?
What information do you need to get ready to solicit a major donor? (AKA – getting your ducks in a row)
Determining Capacity & Interest Taking time to cultivate Build interest and relationships
Wealth & Interest Quadrant High Wealth Low Interest High Interest Low Wealth High Wealth High Interest Low Wealth Low Interest
How To Determine The Ask Amount (Hint: Don’t just take a shot at it)
Who should you choose to be the solicitors? What is the role of each person?
Choosing the right person to make the appointment
How To Get An Appointment What is your goal What is your goal The reason you are calling The reason you are calling How much time do you need How much time do you need Send a confirmation Send a confirmation
Materials to take on the visit
What is the structure of the visit?
Visit #1 Purpose of the visit Purpose of the visit Materials to take Materials to take What to say What to say Handling the gift commitment form Handling the gift commitment form Watch your time - don’t overstay Watch your time - don’t overstay
Keeping the door open for your next visit
Visit #2 Purpose of the visit Purpose of the visit Materials to take Materials to take What to say What to say Handling gift commitment form Handling gift commitment form Watch your time - don’t overstay Watch your time - don’t overstay When you get the yes… When you get the yes… If you get a “no” If you get a “no”
Visit #3 Hopefully you don’t need it! Hopefully you don’t need it! Purpose of visit Purpose of visit What to say What to say If you get a “yes” If you get a “yes” If you get a “no” If you get a “no”
How Do You Keep Control Of The Ask? What Happens If You Lose Control Of The Ask?
How to make it easier for the donor to make the gift Pledge period Pledge period Challenge Challenge Cash/Planned Gift Cash/Planned Gift
The Importance of Donor Recognition and Naming Opportunities
Thank them before you “Bank” them
Thank you! Diane M. Carlson, CEO