Learning Institute for Elders Terri Susan Fine, Ph.D. Professor of Political Science, UCF August 28, 2012
◦ 2002: Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (McCain-Feingold) ◦ Eliminated unregulated (soft) money Soft money is given to political parties and other groups for purposes other than campaigning “Get Out The Vote” (GOTV) Issue advocacy
BCRA also limits: Independent issue advocacy advertising Issue advocacy advertising paid for by a corporation (including non-profit corporations) or by an unincorporated entity using corporate or union funds.
Requires disclosure YES Limits individual contributions YES Allows issue advocacy ads NO Eliminated soft money YES Eliminated hard money NO Limits overall spending by interest groups NO Contributed to significant increase in 527s YES
The U.S. Supreme Court has evaluated BCRA three times since BCRA was passed
This is the first presidential election since “Citizens United” The monies raised have been significant Analysts have expressed concern that the amount of money will shape the election