Post WWII Era Present
Growth and Change in Metropolitan Atlanta Atlanta experienced rapid growth Became the center of finance, transportation & communications for the SE US Became 1 of only 5 cities served by three separate interstate highways Today, just over 50% of the state’s population lives in metropolitan Atlanta
Population Rural areas lost population after WWII –Many moved to other states –Many moved to the city
Agriculture After WWII there was a decrease in the number of farmers & farms in Georgia –Due to WWII GA’s economy diversifies into more industry –More and higher paying jobs available in urban areas –Improved farm machinery requires fewer workers –Development of synthetics require less cotton production
Agriculture New Crops –Peanuts –Soybeans –Tobacco –Corn –Wheat –Pecans –Peaches Other farm products –P–Poultry produces the most revenue today –L–Livestock –D–Demand to produce pulp for paper led to many farmers becoming tree farmers
William Hartsfield Atlanta Mayor from (6 terms) Know for aviation because he worked to make Atlanta the air hub of the south Worked to improve civil rights –W–Worked with local African American leaders to integrated lunch counters –W–Worked on voter registration drives –H–Hired African American police officers
Ivan Allen Jr. Helped Atlanta become known as a racially tolerant city by working with Dr. Martin Luther King. Removed “colored” and “white” signs in Atlanta’s City Hall Expanded the roles of African Americans for managerial jobs in police dept Integrated the Atlanta fire dept Brought professional sports to Atlanta: Braves, Falcons & Hawks to improve Atlanta’s reputation as a major American city.
Ellis Arnall First GA governor to serve a 4 yr term Made Georgia the first state to grant voting rights to 18 year olds Restored accreditation to Georgia’s colleges and universities Established the Board of Corrections for the GA prison system