CULTURE 6 TH GRADE Social Studies
What is culture? A way of life for people who share similar beliefs and customs. Example: language, music, religion, form of dress.
What are Culture Regions? Areas on the earth which are grouped by common characteristics. Common or similar culture traits for a group of people defines the region. Regions can have physical boundaries which separate cultures.
The Sahara Desert As A Culture Boundary The Sahara Desert separates Northern and Southern Africa. Both Regions have developed different types of cultures.
What are Culture Traits? Culture traits are the characteristics in the culture that makes that culture unique and different from all others. These traits can include language, religion, Type of dress, foods, etc…… The people of Northern Africa are very different from those who live in Africa South of the Sahara.
SIMILARITIES & DIFFERENCES Culture Universals: These are features or elements of culture that can be found in all cultures. The 6 Elements of culture are culture universals: Family groups, Belief, Government, Economy, Education, and Fine Arts. Although all cultures have similar features they are different and unique in language, foods, traditions, etc….
THE “FAMILY” ELEMENT A family unit is a group of closely related individuals such as parents and children. Extended families include aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents. Families can develop into clans or tribes. Combined family groups eventually become communities, villages, towns, and countries.
THE “BELIEF” ELEMENT A system of beliefs based on what is believed to be truth. The foundation or motivating force for the choices people make. Religious worship
THE “GOVERNMENT” ELEMENT An organized system by which people establish rules and laws for the society to live by. Government establishes order. Many of the rules of governance have their foundation in the cultural belief system of the people.
“EDUCATION” AS AN ELEMENT Every culture has a way in which skills and knowledge are passed on to children. Formal Education involves academic learning. (going to school, language and communication) Informal Education involves teaching skills based on traditions and life needs. (cooking, weaving rugs, driving, etc…)
THE “ECONOMY” AS AN ELEMENT A system by people meet their needs. A form of trading for goods and services which are needed. Choices are made to buy and sell based on needs and wants. Traditional economies are based on skills which deal directly with filling the needs of the culture.
THE “FINE ARTS” AS AN ELEMENT This is the most visible part of culture. Music Art Literature Dance Costumes Food preparation Celebrations & Traditions
CULTURE BORROWING When a culture group borrows a culture trait from another culture. Example: The New Zealand Maoris press nose and forehead when they greet. When they choose to shake hands instead, they are borrowing a culture trait from another culture.
CULTURE DIFFUSION This is when a culture spreads its knowledge and skills to other cultures. Ancient merchants, traders and travelers were major agents for spreading information and knowledge of other cultures. Today the Media is a major source of sharing information and knowledge. Media includes books, internet, T.V., magazines, music, movies, etc……
CONFLICT & COOPERATION Every culture has established a way of doing things. This is called government. Government is an organized system based on laws and rules which helps to keep order. Due to some of the differences in beliefs and view points, groups can become involved in conflicts. Many times these conflicts arise because the groups involved have difficulty communicating their ideas and needs.
AFRICA AS AN EXAMPLE: When the Europeans began dividing up Africa, they did not take into consideration that the tribes living in the different regions had cultural differences. Tribes where separated and grouped with parts of tribes they had been in conflict with. The country of Rwanda is just one example where the political boundaries grouped two tribes who were enemies. An attempted genocide took place recently.
INDIA AS AN EXAMPLE With approximately 4000 languages and dialects in the region, the people of this sub- continent have struggled with conflict for hundreds of years. Language, Religion, and resources have isolated communities. Today one of the official languages is English.
CULTURE LINKS Traits that can be traced to other cultures. A product of cultural borrowing and cultural diffusion. New customs are blended with old. In Japan baseball is the favorite pass time. A sport they borrowed and adopted from the USA.
COMMUNICATION Language is the way most communication takes place. It is important that what is being communicated is clear and easy to understand.
A SHRINKING WORLD……… Our world is not shrinking physically. It is shrinking in the amount of time it takes for information to travel around it. With the introduction of technology and advances in transportation, people and information travel faster than ever before. Cultures around the world are borrowing and using information which is leading to better communication and hopefully better ways to meet the needs of its citizens.
A “MELTING POT” The blending and sharing of ideas has made the world a “melting pot” of people from different cultures, all sharing knowledge and ideas that improve peoples’ lives.