My village- Uzovský Šalgov Michaela Štofaníková 1.D
Contens Uzovský Šalgov Uzovský Šalgov History History Geography Geography Culture/Sport Culture/Sport Places to see Places to see
Uzovský Šalgov
History The village Uzovský Šalgov ment king Karol Róbert first time in This possesion had family Tekul. In 14.century was built first wood´s church in Uzovský Šalgov. Since 17.century called Uzovský Šalgov, because the most popular family in village was Usowzi. The most important thing for village was second war. The first liberators was here They were soldiers of “red army“. The village Uzovský Šalgov ment king Karol Róbert first time in This possesion had family Tekul. In 14.century was built first wood´s church in Uzovský Šalgov. Since 17.century called Uzovský Šalgov, because the most popular family in village was Usowzi. The most important thing for village was second war. The first liberators was here They were soldiers of “red army“.
Geography The Uzovský Šalgov is situated 3 km from Sabinov. It was county Prešov before, but now it is county Sabinov. Šalgov is situated in valley. There are some lovely hills and we have 12 lakes. They are ideal for fishing The Uzovský Šalgov is situated 3 km from Sabinov. It was county Prešov before, but now it is county Sabinov. Šalgov is situated in valley. There are some lovely hills and we have 12 lakes. They are ideal for fishing
Culture/Sport Library- is situated in county council. It is open every Monday. Library- is situated in county council. It is open every Monday.
We have choir of pensioner since They were members of folclor´s appearances. They had also another activities: made easter´s eggs. We have choir of pensioner since They were members of folclor´s appearances. They had also another activities: made easter´s eggs.
Uzovský Šalgov has football´s club for young boys and men. The first mention about club is from Uzovský Šalgov has football´s club for young boys and men. The first mention about club is from 1959.
Places to see You can find few nice places in our village. For example: castle built 1840 (family Pechy). It was center of monarch. You can find few nice places in our village. For example: castle built 1840 (family Pechy). It was center of monarch.
Church of st.Imrich is situated in the middle of village. It was first church made from bricks in From this time is famous church´s wall. Church of st.Imrich is situated in the middle of village. It was first church made from bricks in From this time is famous church´s wall.
Sekvoja tree is situated behind Pechy´s castle. There is just few kinds on world. Specially in Canada. Sekvoja tree is situated behind Pechy´s castle. There is just few kinds on world. Specially in Canada.
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