What are the Inner planets? You will know the common characteristics of the inner planets and the position of Earth in the solar system. http://studyjams.scholastic.com/studyjams/jams/science/solar-system/solar-system-inner.htm
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars Have Rocky surfaces 4 closest planets to the sun Can see them in the night sky, like stars
What do they have in common? Closest to the sun Small Dense Rocks Solid Surface Atmospheres Except Mercury
See the difference between inner and outer planets
The Inner Planets
Mercury Closest Planet to the sun Smallest planet 1 orbit around the sun take 88 days Smallest planet Almost no atmosphere, which means lots of craters Hot during the day Cold at night
Mercury Mercury is a small, rocky planet. It is the closest planet to the sun. During the day it can reach 467 degrees Celsius on the surface of Mercury, but at night it can drop to -170 degrees Celsius. Mercury is 57,909,175km from the Sun. Its radius is 2439.7 km.
Venus 2nd planet from the sun “Earth’s evil twin” Size and mass Atmosphere is mostly carbon dioxide Hottest surface Day is longer than a year Rotates east to west
Earth Solar radiation Radiation absorbed by greenhouse gases Escaping radiation Solar radiation Greenhouse Effect Gases in the atmosphere trap some heat energy. Some is transmitted into space. More heat is trapped on Venus than on Earth.
Earth 3nd Planet from the sun Largest of the inner planets (Take that, Mercury!) Not too hot, Not too cold 70% liquid water = Life Atmosphere is Full of oxygen Traps heat
Mars 4th planet from the sun Iron oxide in the soil 2 small moons Atmosphere does NOT have enough oxygen for life Has seasons, ice caps, and canyons
Mars, the “Red Planet”
Extra Links for Help http://studyjams.scholastic.com/studyjams/jams/science/solar-system/solar-system-inner.htm http://www.planetsforkids.org/quiz.html http://www.kidsastronomy.com/our_sun.htm