Introduction to Modern Physics A (mainly) historical perspective on - atomic physics - nuclear physics - particle physics
Theories of Blackbody Radiation Classical disaster ! Quantum solution
Planck’s “Quantum Theory” The “oscillators” in the walls can only have certain energies – NOT continuous!
The Photoelectric Effect Light = tiny particles! Wave theory: takes too long to get enough energy to eject electrons Particle theory: energy is concentrated in packets -> efficiently ejects electrons!
The Photoelectric Effect Energy of molecular oscillator, E = nhf Emission: energy nhf -> (n-1)hf Light emitted in packet of energy E = hf Einstein’s prediction: hf = KE + W (work function)
c = f Speed of light 3 x 10 8 meter/second or 30cm (1 foot) per nanosecond Wavelength (meter) Frequency #vibrations/ second
hf = KE + W (work function)
The Photoelectric Effect Wave Theory Photon Theory Increase light intensity -> more electrons with more KE Increase light intensity -> more photons -> more electrons but max-KE unchanged ! Frequency of light does not affect electron KE Max-KE = hf - W If f < f(minimum), where hf(minimum) = W, Then NO electrons are emitted! X X
How many photons from a lightbulb? 100W lightbulb, wavelength = 500nm Energy/sec = 100 Joules E = nhf -> n = E/hf = E /hc n = 100J x 500 x = 2.5 x !! 6.63 x J.s x 3 x 10 8 m/s
So matter contains electrons and light can be emitted in “chunks”… so what does this tell us about atoms?? Possible models of the atom Which one is correct?
Electric potential V(r) ~ 1/r The Rutherford Experiment
Distance of closest approach ~ size of nucleus At closest point KE -> PE, and PE = charge x potential KE = PE = 1/4 0 x 2Ze 2 /R R = 2Ze 2 / (4 0 x KE) = 2 x 9 x 10 9 x 1.6 x x Z 1.2 x J = 3.8 x Z meters = 3.0 x m for Z=79 (Gold)
The “correct” model of the atom …but beware of simple images!
Atomic “signatures” Rarefied gas Only discrete lines! An empirical formula! n = 3,4,…
The Origin of Line Spectra
Newton’s 2 nd Law and Uniform Circular Motion F = ma Acceleration = v 2 /r Towards center of circle!
How do we get “discrete energies”? Linear momentum = mv Radius r Angular momentum L = mvr Bohr’s “quantum” condition – motivated by the Balmer formula
Electron “waves” and the Bohr condition De Broglie(1923): = h/mv Only waves with a whole number of wavelengths persist Quantized orbits! n = 2 r Same!!
Electrostatic force: Electron/Nucleus COULOMBS LAW
Combine Coulomb’s Law with the Bohr condition: Newton’s 2 nd Law Circular motion
(for Z = 1, hydrogen)
Calculate the total energy for the electron: Total Energy = Kinetic + Potential Energy Electrostatic potential Electrostatic potential energy
Total energy Substitute
So the energy is quantized ! … now we can combine this with
…and this correctly predicts the line spectrum for hydrogen, …and it gets the Rydberg constant R right! …however, it does not work for more complex atoms…
Experimental results
Quantum Mechanics – or how the atomic world really works (apparently!) De Broglie(1923): = h/mv Take the wave description of matter for real: Describe e.g. an electron by a “wavefunction” (x), then this obeys: Schroedinger’s famous equation
Now imagine we confine an electron in a “box” with infinitely hard/high walls:
Waves must end at the walls so:
and the energy levels for these states are: Discrete energies!
The probabilities for the electron to be at various places inside the box are: vs. Classical Mechanics Uniform probability!
Applying the same quantum mechanical approach to the hydrogen atom: Probability “cloud” Bohr radius
The “n = 2” state of hydrogen:
Atomic orbitals
Weird stuff!!
Conclusions - Classical mechanics/electromagnetism does not describe atomic behavior - The Bohr model with a “quantum condition” does better…but only for hydrogen - Quantum mechanics gives a full description and agrees with experiment - …but QM is weird!!