Quasimodo: “Pues tengo por cierto que las aflicciones del tiempo presente no son comparables con la gloria venidera que en nosotros ha de manifestarse." Romanos 8:18
Constructions with “se” Descubre 2 páginas 36-37
Constructions w/ “se” If you were writing an essay, how could you express the ideas below without using “you” or “they” if the “you” or “they” is not referring to specific people? ▫You never know what to expect in these situations. ▫They speak French in France.
“se” We’ve used “se” before as a reflexive pronoun. Ejemplos: ▫Ella se maquilla. ▫Ellos se despiertan.
Otros usos de “se” Can be used when the subject is not defined or to de-emphasize the subject (in accidental circumstances) Similar to these examples in English: ▫They speak Spanish in Guatemala. ▫You can not smoke here.
Se + verb
If the person doing the action isn’t defined then “se” statements are used. You match the verb up to the word following it: 3 rd person singular verb used for singular nouns and 3 rd person plural for plural nouns. Se verb Subject
Ejemplos: Se habla español en España. ▫Spanish is spoken in Spain. ▫They speak Spanish in Spain No se puede nadar aquí. ▫You cannot swim here. Se vende ropa. ▫Clothing for sale/is sold. Se venden casas. ▫Houses for sale/are sold.
Práctica: They speak French here./French is spoken here. ▫Se habla francés aquí. Swimming is not permitted. ▫No se permite nadar. Talking is prohibited. ▫Se prohíbe hablar. Shoes are sold here. ▫Se venden zapatos aquí. Permitir: Permitir: to permit Prohibir: Prohibir: to prohibit (irregular present tense – add accent to the “i” in the boot)
Se for unplanned events: “Se” is also used to emphasize accidental or unplanned events. Using “se” de-emphasizes the person who does the action to show/express that the event was not their fault. SeIOPVerbSubject
Ejemplos: Se me perdió el teléfono. ▫I lost the phone. Se nos olividaron las recetas. ▫We forgot the prescriptions. Al paciente se le perdió la medicina. ▫The patient lost the medicine. A ustedes se les quedaron los libros en casa. ▫You all left the books at home.
So, what would typically be the subject is expressed by the IOP. What in English would be the DO becomes the subject and the verb is matched to this. Se me (IOP) cayó (verb) el cuaderno (subject). ▫I (subject) dropped (verb) the notebook (DO). SeIOPVerbSubject
Verbs commonly used with this: Caer: to fall, (when used with “se” to drop) Dañar: to damage, to break down Olvidar: to forget Perder (e:ie): to lose Quedar: to be left behind Romper: to break
NOTE: There isn’t a direct translation for “to drop” in Spanish. They would either use: ▫Caer with “se” construction OR ▫Dejar caer (literally “to allow to fall”)
Práctica: Se me perdío el mobil. ▫I lost my cellphone. We broke the computer. ▫Se nos rompió la computadora. Se te olvidaron los libros. ▫You forgot the books. They left the antibiotic behind. ▫Se les quedó el antibiótico.
Tarea: Worksheet Vocab quiz: La salud