Alan Turing The ‘father’ of modern Computer Science
Lesson Aims To develop research skills using the Internet To create an interactive poster celebrating the life of a famous LGBT person: Alan Turing
Starter What is this a picture of?
You will be producing a digital, interactive poster about Alan Turing for 8 year olds. You need to consider: Audience – 8 year olds Information – Alan Turing’s involvement in computers. Use the question sheet to guide you in your research. Media – How will you present research to target audience using ICT e.g. what software? What tools?
You may need to use these skills: How to insert images/rotate/crop/resize etc How to insert text How to create links to other documents/slides within your user area How to create links to external websites How to use sound and video in PowerPoint/Publisher Ask for a demonstration, if unsure.
Plenary Look at the digital posters What is positive about the examples you are seeing? What have you learnt about ICT? What have you learnt about UK law concerning homosexuality before 1967?