Mistakes in Moral Reasoning Arbitrariness Relying on gut feeling Selfishness and Partisanship Appealing to Moral Authorities –Religion –Culture
Selfishness and partisanship Appealing solely to self interest or interests of one’s group when you should appeal to moral standards. Problem –becomes habitual –results in “war of all against all”.
Morality and Religion “Morality depends on religion.” –Motivational claim: Religion motivates people to do the right thing and is the only motivation for right action. Problem: Some people do the wrong thing for religious reasons, some people do the right thing for reasons which are independent of religion. Justification: Religion provides the only justification for morality.
Religion as a justification for morality Practical problem: people with differing religions will not be able to share moral reasons. Theoretical problem: Right and wrong cannot just be a matter of God’s will.
Cultural Relativism Definition: You morally ought to do whatever your society thinks is right. Problems –How do I know the rules? –Suppose I disagree with my society? –What about moral reformers? –How can we criticize other societies?
Good Moral Reasoning Moral judgments are not mere preferences, but must be: –based on facts, –defended in terms of objective reasons, –which can be articulated.
Characteristics of Leaders with Integrity Awareness –of own values, of other values Ability to communicate and build consensus about values Ability to assess consequences Respect for others Care for others, and ability to foster relationships Virtues –courage, honesty, humility Fairness Professional Ethics