BROADBAND INSTRUMENTS ENEA/Univ. of Valencia TypeModelMeasurementSpectral interval FOVAcquisition PyranometerCMP21Global SW↓ irradiance nm180°30 s PyranometerPSPDiffuse SW↓ irradiance nm180°30 s PyrheliometerCHP1Direct SW radiance nm5°30 s PyrgeometerCGR4LW↓ irradiance µm180°30 s Pyrgeometer (Univ. of Valencia) CGR4LW↓ irradiance µm180°30 s PyrometerKT 19 IISky Brightness Temperature µm2.6°2 s
BROADBAND INSTRUMENTS: ENEA/Univ. of Valencia/PMOD TypeModelMeasurementSpectral interval FOVAcquisition PyranometerCMP21Global SW↓ irradiance nm180°30 s PyranometerPSPDiffuse SW↓ irradiance nm180°30 s PyrheliometerCHP1Direct SW radiance nm5°30 s PyrgeometerCGR4LW↓ irradiance µm180°30 s PyrgeometerPIRLW↑ irradiance µm180°1 min PyrometerKT 19 IISky Brightness Temperature µm2.6°2 s PyranometerCM22Reflected SW↑ irradiance nm180°1 min PyrgeometerCGR3LW↓ irradiance8-14 µm150°1 min
Comparison of ENEA and PMOD/WRC broadband radiometers Average SW ratio = 1.010±0.003 (SZA<45°) Average LW differences: -0.1±1.6 Wm -2 (DAY) 1.4±1.2 Wm -2 (NIGHT)
SPECTRAL INSTRUMENTS ENEA TypeModelMeasurementSpectral interval FWHMAcquisition BrewerMK IIIGlobal irradiance nm0.55 nmFixed SZA Satlantic Hyperspectral Ocean Colour Radiometer HyperOCRGlobal downward spectral irradiance nm ( nm) 10 nm1 min Satlantic Hyperspectral Ocean Colour Radiometer HyperOCRDiffuse downward spectral irradiance nm ( nm) 10 nm1 min Diode array spectrometer DASGlobal downward spectral actinic flux nm3.3 nm1 s Microwave radiometer HATPROBrightness temperature K-Band (WV) V-Band (O 2 ) 230 MHz (K) MHz (V) 1 s
SPECTRAL INSTRUMENTS TypeModelMeasurementSpectral interval FWHMAcquisition MultiFilter Rotating Shadowband Radiometer MFR-7Global and diffuse irradiance 415, 496, 614, 672, 869, 937 nm 10 nm15 S MultiFilter Rotating Shadowband Radiometer UV-MFRGlobal and diffuse irradiance 299, 305, 311, 317, 324, 332, 367 nm 2 nm20 s Cimel sunphotometer CE-318Direct sun, almucantar, principle plane 340, 380, 440, 500, 675, 870, 1020 nm 2-10 nm~15 min Filter radiometerSP02Direct narrowband irradiance (FOV=5°) 412, 500, 862, 1020 nm 10 nm30 s Filter radiometerSP02-LDirect narrowband irradiance (FOV=2.5°) 412, 500, 812, 862 nm 10 nm30 s Solar Light sunphotometer (Univ. of Valencia) MICROTOPS II Direct narrowband irradiance (FOV=2.5°) 305, 312, 320, 940, 1020 nm 2 nm 10 nm ~15 min Precision spectroradiometer PSRDirect spectral irradiance nm1 nm1 min
J.L. Gómez-Amo UTMEA-TER, 24 July June
Direct SW radiative effect RF=F net (aerosol)-F net (pristine) Forcing efficiency FE=RF/AOD
J.L. Gómez-Amo UTMEA-TER, 24 July 2013
22 June – F36
J.L. Gómez-Amo UTMEA-TER, 24 July June
J.L. Gómez-Amo UTMEA-TER, 24 July 2013 Calculations with MODTRAN 4.3 Aerosol-free Sensitivities in the conditions of Lampedusa: 4 W/m 2 /°C for changes of T 23 W/m 2 /cm for changes of IWV
J.L. Gómez-Amo UTMEA-TER, 24 July June
9 June
230 km 37.6°N, 12.6°E 35.5°N, 12.6°E
Capo Granitola
TypeModelMeasurementSpectral interval FOVAcquisition PyranometerPSPGlobal SW↓ irradiance nm180°30 s PyranometerPSPDiffuse SW↓ irradiance nm180°30 s PyrgeometerPIRLW↓ irradiance µm180°30 s Spectrometer (Univ. of Valencia) Li-1800SW↓ irradiance µm180°5 min MultiFilter Rotating Shadowband Radiometer MFR-7Global and diffuse irradiance 415, 496, 614, 672, 869, 937 nm 10 nm15 S Spectrometer (Univ. of Valencia) Li-1800Direct normal SW radiation µm5°5 min PM10 sampler (Univ. of Florence) Tecora Skypost PM10 on teflon filters 12 hour
▼▼ 15 June30 June
▼▼ 15 June30 June
Satlantic spectroradiometers measurements 17 June: cloud-free day with low aerosol amount
SW irradiance 22 June28 June 2 July3 July
LW irradiance 22 June28 June 2 July 3 July
3 July – F42
22 June – F36 SZA interval: 25.3°-28.6° Average AOD (500 nm): SW ADRF (Wm -2 ) SW ADRFE (Wm -2 ) LW ADRF (Wm -2 ) LW ADRFE (Wm -2 ) WINDOW ADRF (Wm -2 ) WINDOW ADRFE (Wm -2 ) LW/SW (percent) % SPECTRAL RANGE MEASUREMENTS (Wm -2 ) MODEL (Wm -2 ) DIFFERENCE (Wm -2 ) LW359.9± WINDOW81.6±
3 July – F42 SZA interval: 20.3°-22.0° Average AOD (500 nm): SW ADRF (Wm -2 ) SW ADRFE (Wm -2 ) LW ADRF (Wm -2 ) LW ADRFE (Wm -2 ) WINDOW ADRF (Wm -2 ) WINDOW ADRFE (Wm -2 ) LW/SW (percent) % SPECTRAL RANGE MEASUREMENTS (Wm -2 ) MODEL (Wm -2 ) DIFFERENCE (Wm -2 ) LW363.1± WINDOW87.1±
9 June MODIS Aqua – 12:35 UTC
J.L. Gómez-Amo UTMEA-TER, 24 July 2013 HYSPLIT back-trajectories
With University of Valencia
During the flights
22 June, FLIGHT 2
Radiosondaggi Voli ATR42+Falcon
J.L. Gómez-Amo UTMEA-TER, 24 July 2013 Lampedusa Capo Granitola MODIS Aqua – 22 June :35 UTC
During the flights
Meteorological station [air pressure, temperature, humidity, wind direction and velocity, precipitation]. Vaisala radio [temperature, pressure, humidity, wind, ozone vertical profiles]. Hat-Pro Microwave Radiometer [temperature and water vapor vertical profiles, integrated water vapour, liquid water content]. (Tri-axial SODAR [wind vertical profile; RSE]) Non-dispersive Infra-red (NDIR) analyzer [atmospheric CO 2 concentration]. Gas chromatograph [atmospheric concentration of CH 4, N 2 O, CFC-11 and CFC-12]. Cavity ring-down spectroscopy analyzer (CO 2, CO, CH 4 ). Ozone UV analyzer [ozone concentration; Agrigento Province]. Aerosol lidar [together with University of Rome; aerosol backscattering and depolarization profiles]. Visible Multi Filter Rotating Shadowband Radiometer [MFRSR; aerosol optical depth at several wavelengths, diffuse-to-direct irradiance ratio, column water vapor, aerosol single scattering albedo]. PM-10 aerosol sampler [daily chemical analyses performed at the University of Florence]. Cimel sun photometer [aerosol optical depth and optical properties]. Particle-Soot Absorption Probe [PSAP, aerosol absorption coefficient/soot concentration; ISPL]. Aerosol total deposition [CARAGA collector; LISA]. Middleton sun photometers [aerosol optical depth]
Brewer MK III spectrophotometer [total ozone, spectral UV, aerosol optical depth]. Precision Spectral Pyranometer/CMP21 [downward shortwave irradiance]. Precision Infrared Pyranometer/CGR4 [downward longwave irradiance]. Shaded Precision Spectral Pyranometer [diffuse downward shortwave irradiance]. Photosynthetic radiation radiometer [downward photosynthetically active radiation]. Actinic radiation spectrometer [actinic radiation spectra, photo dissociation rates]. UV-Multi Filter Rotating Shadowband Radiometer [MFRSR; aerosol optical depth at several wavelengths, diffuse-to-direct irradiance ratio, UV irradiance]. Total sky imager [cloud cover]. IR camera [cloud base height]. Water vapor Raman lidar [day/nighttime vertical profiles of water vapor, aerosol extinction (jointly with University of Rome)]. ENEA gas sampling unit [weekly analyses of 15 different halogen compounds, made at ENEA, Rome]. NOAA gas sampling unit [weekly analyses of CO 2, CH 4, SF 6, CO, 13 C, H 2, 18 O, made at NOAA]. WMO Global Atmosphere Watch NOAA Cooperative Air Sampling Network AERONET MWRNet Carboeurope
▼ ▼▼ 9 June15 June30 June