Chapter 11, Age and Sex Key Terms
age differentiation The division of labor or roles in a society on the basis of age. age stratification Refers to the hierarchical ranking of different age groups in society.
age cohort Aggregate group of people born during the same period. age prejudice A negative attitude about an age group that is generalized to all people in that group.
age discrimination The different and unequal treatment of people based solely on their age. ageism Institutionalized practice of age prejudice and discrimination.
dementia Term used to describe a variety of diseases that involve some permanent damage to the brain. life expectancy Number of years a particular group is likely to live.
age stereotypes Preconceived judgments about what different age groups are like, can be both positive and negative. Medicaid Governmental assistance program for the poor.
Medicare Governmental assistance program for the elderly. hospice movement Hospice workers, some of whom are volunteers, provide care for dying people and their families.
sexual scripts Learned, gender-appropriate, sexual behavior. social construction perspective Interprets sexual identity as learned, not innate.
sexual orientation How individuals experience sexual arousal and pleasure. compulsory heterosexuality The idea that heterosexuality is not a choice, but is defined by institutions as the only legitimite form of sexual identity.
heterosexism Institutionalization of heterosexuality as the only socially legitimate sexual orientation. coming out The process of defining oneself as gay or lesbian.
homophobia Fear and hatred of homosexuality. eugenics Sought to apply scientific principles of genetic selection to "improve” the offspring of the human race.
sexual revolution Widespread changes in men's and women's roles and a greater public acceptance of sexuality as a normal part of social development.