Miles Hours
is % of 100
What is 20% of 50? Easy Way!
20 is what % of 50? Easy Way
x Reduce ratio, then easy way!
6 4 x 28
35 % of 120 is_____ Reduce ratio, then easy way.
4 is what percent of 20?
The regular price of the shirt is $ It is on sale for 25% off, what is the sale price?
The calculator cost $ It is on sale for 30% off, what is the sales price?
In a jar of 500 beads, 30% are red. How many beads are red?
21 is 70% of what number?
At Shaun's Skate World, 18 of the skateboards in stock are on sale. If 20% of the skateboards in stock are on sale, how many skateboards are in stock?
A play ran for 160 performances. The theater was full for 85% of the performances. For how many was the theater NOT full?
Out of 800 students, 70% liked pop music. How many did NOT like pop music?
In a batch of lightbulbs, 30% are tinted. If 45 lightbulbs are tinted, how many lightbulbs are in the batch?
In a survey of 180 students, 65% said Math was their favorite subject. How many students said Math was NOT their favorite subject?