Tarsier The tarsier lives in the islands of South East Asia. It has got big eyes, small ears ochre body and long tail. It eats insects, birds, snakes, lizards and bats. The tarsier has got very big eyes and a long tail (20 to 25cm).
– The Scorpion lives in the desert. – It has got small eyes and small ears. – Its body is brown and yellow. – It eats insects. – The scorpion has got 12 eyes.
The Armadillo lives in Argentina. It has got small eyes and small ears. Its body is yellow and pink. It eats insects. The Armadillo is 10 centimetres long.
– The White Tiger lives in Siberia. It eats meat. – The WhiteTiger is very big it is 1,5 and 3m long. – It can jump 7m. –
– Hawaiian bat lives in Hawai. – It is grey and brown. – It’s got short and round ears. – The Hawaiian bat drinks blood. – It is amazing because its body is like an ice- cream.
– The Axolotl lives in Mexico. – It has got small blue eyes, a big head, a grey body and red ears. – It eats fish. – The Axolotl has got the ability to regenerate most body parts.
Jerboa – The Jerboa lives in Africa and Asia. – It is small. It’s got a long tail, big ears and very long legs. – It eats plants, seeds and insects. – The Jerboa is 5-15 cm. and and its tail is 8-25 cm. long.
Centipede lives around the world. It is brown. It´s got 2 gows and two long antennas. It eats earthworms. It is agressive and it’s got poison. It´s blind.
– The anteater lives in South America and Central America. – It has got small eyes, small ears, a big brown body and a long nose. – It eats insects. – The amazing fact is the shape.
Barracuda – Barracuda has got sharp teeth – It is 2,5 metro long. – It goes very fast. – Barracuda lives in the open sea. – It eats small fish. – Barracuda is very agressive, it can eat humans.
Lemur – It lives in Madagascar. – It has got big yellow eyes, white ears, grayish fur, white throat, long white snout, long arms with white hands and white feet. – It eats leaves and fruit. – The Lemur’s body is 40cm long plus its tail that is 60 cm long.
Iberian mole – Iberian mole is an amazing animal. – This mole lives in Spain. – It has a hary body. – Its hands are spades. – It’s got small eyes. – It eats insects
Flying Lizard – The lizard lives in Australia. – It eats insects. – It´s got big ears, small eyes and a small tongue. – It can fly with its ears and it seems bigger.
Komodo Dragon - The Komodo dragon lives in Indonesia island. - It is big, with big tails and big legs. - It eats monkeys and fish. - It’s the biggest saurus in the world, it´s 3 metres long and it weighs Kg.
ORNITORRINCO Ornitorrinco lives in Australia, in the Tasmania island. It’s got small eyes and a wide tail. It eats plants and worms. It is 60 centimetres long. It is a mammal animal and it’s got a duck- peak.