By Jason Runco
Antares is supergiant star 800 times the size of the sun. It is fact so large that it would fill our solar system out past Mars
Antares is 3500 degrees Kelvin Compared to the suns 5700 degrees Kelvin.( Kelvin is unit used to measure incredibly hot objects or stars Kelvin is 272 degrees Celsius) Even though Antares is much colder it is brighter because it is much larger
Antares is a red supergiant The sun is a yellow star
Antares is 600 light years away in the constellation Scorpio
Antares is in the constellation scorpio The Scorpio constellations story is an ancient Greek myth. Orion the hunter was the best hunter in the world and the most handsome man. He bragged that he would kill every animal on Earth. Apollo guardian of the cows pleaded with Hera the queen of the gods to send a scorpion with impenetrable armor to kill Orion which the scorpion succeeded. When the Greeks saw the stars and they way they all connected they saw the scorpion that killed Orion
Antares was born as part of a nebula like all stars. It will die in a massive super nova explosion and will have a neutron star or a black hole left over Antares is in its supergiant phase of life it will soon blaze into a supernova
For my work I used Wikipedia. I also used s.html to help me with my work.
By Jason Runco