Please have your “Letter to My Future Daughter/Son” assignment ready to hand in!
REVIEW!!! 1. Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development 2. Harlow’s Attachment Experiment 3. Kohlberg’s stages of moral development
Joey has been learning a lot of new things at school this year. Now that he understands the idea of conservation, he is able to perform mathematical operations like addition and subtraction. He is also able to think logically about the things he is experiencing. Stage: _________________________________________ Key Points: ________________________________________ Concrete Operational Conservation, Math, Logical Reasoning
Rebecca loves to have tea parties with her stuffed animals. She often invites her father to join as well. But when she sets the table, all the stuffed animals are facing her and not her father. She has failed to take his point of view at the table. Stage: _________________________________________ Key Points: _____________________________________________ Preoperational Pretend Play, Egocentrism, Words, Intuitive Reasoning
Melissa has recently mastered object permanence. However, along with this new awareness, she has developed a fear of strangers. She currently experiences her world through senses and actions, such as looking, hearing, touching, mouthing, and grasping. Stage: _________________________________________ Key Points: _______________________________________________ Sensorimotor Object Permanence, Stranger Anxiety, senses and actions
Michael has developed the ability to reason abstractly; he doesn’t have to experience an event first-hand to understand the consequences of his actions. Along with this, he is becoming more mature in his moral reasoning. Stage: _________________________________________ Key Points: _______________________________________________ Formal Operational Abstract Reasoning, Mature moral reasonsing
Now…place the four stages in order! S ensorimotor P reoperational C oncrete Operational F ormal Operational
REVIEW!!! 1. Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development 2. Harlow’s Attachment Experiment 3. Kohlberg’s stages of moral development
The need for love and affection can be just as strong or even stronger than the need for food! Fathers can be mothers too! How might the experiment on abuse relate to high school students?
REVIEW!!! 1. Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development 2. Harlow’s Attachment Experiment 3. Kohlberg’s stages of moral development
Stages 1 & 2: Preconventional Morality: Focused on self-interest Try to avoid punishment or gain rewards Stages 3 & 4: Conventional Morality: Focused on caring for others and upholding laws and social rules Try to gain social approval or help maintain social order Stages 5 & 6: Postconventional Morality: Focused on people’s rights Derived from self-defined, basic ethical principles Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development
Sharon is a student in a math class. Her parents often become abusive when she gets bad grades. She has not been doing very well and is considering cheating on an upcoming math test. Should she cheat on the exam? 1.Yes, because if she cheats and does well on the test, her parents will think she is a good daughter and will be proud of her. (Stage 3:Good Boy/Good Girl Orientation) 2.No, because if she gets caught she will be punished severely. (Stage 1:Punishment & Obedience Orientation) 3.No, because cheating is against all the rules of the school. (Stage 4:Law & Order Orientation) 4.No, because cheating is unfair to all the other individuals in the class. A person should complete his or her own work. (Stage5:Social Contract Orientation) 5.Yes, because if she cheats and gets a good grade on her test, her parents will probably reward her by letting her go to a movie. (Stage 2:Instrumental Relativist)
Think morally and ACT morally! Empathy Delay of gratification (pay now, play later OR play now, pay later)
Cognitive and Physical Development (Pages 90-94)
SOCIAL Development Love (_________) and Work (_____________) Intimacy Generativity Social Clock: the culturally preferred timing of social events such as marriage, parenthood, and retirement
CHANCE EVENTS “Given repeated exposure to someone after Childhood, you may become attached to almost any available person who has a roughly similar background and level of attractiveness and who returns your affections.”
Well-being across the life span “To live is to grow older. This moment marks the oldest you have ever been and the Youngest you will henceforth be.” “when asked what they would do differently if they could relive their lives, people most often answer, “Taken my education more seriously and worked harder at it.”
“My interest lies in the future because I am going to spend the rest of my life there."
Show and Tell