BY DIANE THAJEB How do molecules make cells and how do cells function?
First we shall talk about cells The cell theory This theory is made up of three parts: Every living thing is made up of one or more cells. The basic units of structure and function in an organism are cells. Cells can only come from the reproduction of other cells.
Cell’s structure Cells contain internal structures called organelles. An organelle is a cell component that performs specific functions for cells. Organelles help carry and maintain the life of a cell. They are pretty much the organs of the cells.
The cell membrane is that thin wall that surrounds the cell. The variety of organelles also have their own cell membranes. They are for animals. The plant version is call the Cell Wall, but plants also have cell membranes to go along with the cell wall. Nucleus is the large organelle near the center of the cell. It directs the activities of the cell and has the majority of the cell’s information.
Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes There are two types of cells in the world. Simple cells are prokaryotes. Don’t have a lot of organelles in them. They don’t even have well- defined nucleus. They were the first ones on Earth. They are 1/10 of the normal size of a Eukaryote cell. Eukaryotes were developed later, they are complex, have lots of organelles, and have a well-defined nucleus. Plants or animals can have these.
More about Cell membranes More about cell membranes. A cell cannot survive if it was totally isolated from the outside world. The waste and the nutrients must pass through the cell membrane. The cell membrane controls what gets in, and what gets out. Membrane Lipids and Membrane proteins make the membrane.
Ribosomes are tiny black bodies containing 5-carbon sugar called ribose. These black bodies are the main locations for protein synthesis in the bacterial cell. The most external outermost coat is the bacterial capsule, a sticky outermost coat that helps glue some types of bacteria to particular surfaces, such as those on human or animal cells.
Pili are short “hair”-like strands that help the bacterium attach itself to other objects. Flagella are long “whip”- like strands and it acts like a whip to push the cell through its watery surroundings. Cilia are hairlike organelles. The surfaces of many unicellular organisms are covered in these. They are also found on the surfaces of cells in multicellular organisms. They also help make them move through the water.
More about Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes Prokaryote cells lack true nucleus because they appeared “before” (pro-) nuclei had evolved. The bacterium instead holds a central, oval, nucleoid region, that is “kernel” like but not surrounded by its own individual membrane. The nucleoid region contains a complex collection of coiled DNA molecules. The DNA molecules use RNA molecules to help it direct and control the activities of other organelles.
Some differences between plant cells and animal cells In the plant cell the Central vacuole lies near the center of the cell. It is the storage sac for various digestive enzymes. This makes it roughly equivalent to the lysosome of an animal cell. The lysosome contains digestive enzymes which released, digest or break down foodstuffs and other materials within the cell.
Similarities Both types of eukaryote cells have numerous mitochondria. These unique looking organelles are frequently called the powerhouses of the cell because they contain the chemicals necessary for aerobic respiration and ATP production. Another thing that is also present in both cells is an endoplasmic reticulum. It is literally a “tiny network present within the cytoplasm.” It is a complex network of flattened sacs that serves to carry things around in a cell.
continuation The Golgi body/apparatus was named after its discoverer Camillo Golgi. The Golgi body consists of a series of tightly stacked, flattened sacs. It mostly serves to package the proteins, lipids, hormones, and various other products of the cell. A Cytoskeleton is pretty much the skeleton of the cell. It gives it some rigidity and support. The cytoskeleton consists of both hollow microtubules, and solid microfilaments. The microtubules are “tiny tubes” while the microfilaments are just “tiny threads.”
Continuation 3 Chloroplasts are the organelles in a plant cell in which energy of sunlight is converted into chemical energy in organic compounds. Chlorophyll is the molecule in the chloroplast that converts sunlight to stored chemical energy in carbohydrate molecules.
Just how are molecules related to cells? Cells contains many complex molecules. Proteins and DNA are made up of molecules. The cell membrane, lipids(which is fat), and ect. Are all made up of molecules. Pretty much the whole cell is made up of molecules.
Sources Modern Biology Author: Albert Towle Publishing company:Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Copyrighted in 1999 Biology DeMYSTiFied:A self-Teaching Guide Author: Dr.Dale Layman Published by:McGraw-Hill Copyrighted in 2003