1.On the stage below, mark the place that Marley is standing in the beginning of the scene. X Audience Memorize your parts of a stage. Look for the abbreviations.
What text evidence supports that Marley is the narrator? He is speaking directly to the audience. What is a narrator? What do they do? How does Marley do this?
Describe why the playwright uses dialogue to describe Ebenezer instead of stage directions. Marley knew Scrooge before he died and can give more in depth information about him. He is trying to set up who Scrooge is so that the audience understands that going into the next scene How do the characters know each other? How can they better understand each other?
At what rate would you read the line that Scrooge has? He is counting and mumbling. He would say it angry and quickly. What is the tone of the characters? How would they be feeling? How do people usually talk with that type of feeling ?
How would that rate change when Marley is speaking? He is speaking to the audience so he is going to talk slower. He is setting up the play so he will talk calm with no emotion. What roll does this person play? What are they feeling? How do people usually talk with that type of feeling ?
6.What is the playwright trying to accomplish when a single spotlight comes on Jacob Marley at the beginning of the scene? That the focus needs to be on Marley as he sets up the play. What happens to the audience when there is a spotlight? What is the playwright’s purpose?
7.What does the audience learn about Scrooge in this scene? What did the narrator want you to know? What did the playwright want you to know? How does this help character development?
When Scrooge is in the scene why does the spotlight move with Marley? The focus needs to be on Marley as he shows the audience what kind of person Scrooge is. What happens to the audience when there is a spotlight? What is the playwright’s purpose?
9.What types of props would be needed for this scene? Money, shop sign, office furniture, What would the characters need to make this look more realistic? What would you imagine being used in this scene?
10.What type of set construction would be needed for this scene? Office Where are they? What would that look like? Think of time period too