Brain Rules: Quarter 2 Biology Project By: Yarinette Ventura
GENDER Brain Rule #11: Male and female brains are different. "You suspected men's and women's brains were different, didn't you? Here are some of the genetic, anatomical and psychiatric differences. But be careful: These have not been scientifically connected to behavior (
Brain Structure Differences: Female BrainMale Brain
Hypothesis: If I learn about how male and female brains are different and similar, then I can learn about their learning styles and how I can use them to improve the way I study so I can do better on tests and quizzes.
Vocabulary: Language Functioning: Operating Language skills like grammar skills, vocabulary skills, and knowing exact definitions of words. Spatial Skills: Skills that involve using your senses of touch and sight to locate objects. Disparities: Differences Reckoning: Calculations Anatomical: Physical Psychiatric: Mental
Analysis: Male and female brains differ because... Females: -Language functioning is stronger in females because it seems to be active in both hemispheres. -Use language and motor skills better than males until puberty. -Have much more white matter than males. -Have a more organized frontal area and temporal area in the cortex than males that has a larger volume for more information. -Use their language skills when competing and to their advantage. -Use language to build relationships. -When needing to solve problems, in which they need navigational skills, they use their cerebral cortex and their left hippocampus is not activated at the time. -Women tend to identify emotions more quickly and correctly. -Women seem to be better at controlling their emotions because the areas in their brain that control aggression and anger responses are bigger. Males: - The areas in their brain that are involved in math and geometry are commonly shown to be more advanced than females. -Males are more common to be victims of learning disabilities. -"Male brains, for instance, are about 10% larger than female brains. But bigger doesn't necessarily mean smarter ( -Have much more gray matter than females. -Men commonly have better spatial skills, such as navigating directions. -Men use their left hippocampus when they use their navigational skills.
My Personal Thoughts: My hypothesis is true because I learned about the different learning styles by learning about the male and female brains and one important thing that I learned was the females use their language skills when competing so I can learn more vocabulary by making a game with my studying. I can then do better on vocabulary quizzes and knowing more definitions of words. I can then get better grades. Analysis:
Quotes that support my hypothesis: " Geary suggests that women use language skills to their advantage. 'Females use language more when they compete' ( "The hippocampus, he explains, automatically codes where you are in space. As a result, Geary says: 'Women are more likely to rely on landmark cues: they might suggest you turn at the 7-11 and make a right a the church, whereas men are more likely to navigate via depth reckoning -- go east, then go west, etc.' ( "..., boys tend to get a lot more practice 'moving through space' -- chasing a ball, for instance -- than girls do... we could possibly erase this difference if we pushed girls into the exploratory mode,'... She predicts that as more and more girls engage in sports traditionally reserved for boys, like soccer, the data on spatial ability will show fewer disparities between females and males (
My Plan: To learn new vocabulary I am going to make flash cards and play a memory game with them. I can also study everyday and study with a friend. I can make a game with the information that I have to study and make the game a little competitive. I will also use quizlet and have a friend test me on the information or the vocabulary. I will write down the dates of the days that I studied, what I was studying for, the studying strategy I used, and the number of words or concepts that I know by the time I go to sleep that day. I will also include the grade that I got on the test or quiz. Each week I will use a different strategy and see which one works best for me. By doing this, I will see how I improve my studying over the course of 3 weeks.