Whitbread Sailboat Race by Obie Evans
Whitbread Round the World Sailboat Race Toughest, longest, most expensive race of its kind Held every 4 years Race covers over 31,000 nautical miles Takes over nine months to complete Nine port stops Starts on the Thames River in the United Kingdom
Project and Project Team Bjorn Erickson – Project Manager Karen Knutsen as chief designer Trygve Wallvik as master helmsman Project Deliverables Build Sailing Vessel Select and train sailing crew Project Constraints $3.2 million Budget 45 week time limit
Major Construction activities to be completed Design of the hull, deck, mast, and accessories Order mast, sail and accessories Build deck Build hull Install ballast tanks Install mast, sail and accessories
Crew activities to be completed Crew Selection Secure housing for crew Select crew equipment Order crew equipment Crew routine sailing/maintenance training Sea trails for new boat and crew
Original Schedule 50 weeks
ActivityNormal time Normal CostCrash Time Crash CostSlope A Design of hull,deck, mast6 $40,0004 $160,00060 B Hull construction12 $1,000,00010 $1,400, C Order and receive mast8 $100,0007 $140,00040 D Order/receive seven sails6 $40,0006 E Order/receive accessories15 $600,00013 $800, F Install balast tanks2 $100,0002 GBuild deck5 $200,0005 HHull treatment3 $40,0003 I Mast and sail install2 $40,0001 $80,00040 J Install accessories6 $300,0005 $400, KSea test vessel5 $60,0004 $100,00040 LSelect crew6 $10,0005 $20,00010
ActivityNormal time Normal CostCrash Time Crash CostSlope M Select housing for crew3 $30,0003 N Routine sail/maint program15 $40,00012 $130,00030 O Select crew equipment2 $10,0002 P Order crew equipmet5 $30,0005 Q Crew maintenance10 $100,0009 $340, R Intial sailing training7 $50,0005 $350, S Regular sea training8 $200,0007 $450, Total Direct Cost $2,990,000 Added Crash Activity Costs: Activity A $120,000Crash costs minus normal costs Activity B $400,000Crash costs minus normal costs Activity R $300,000Crash costs minus normal costs Total of project with crash costs $3,810,000
Project schedule after crash activities
Conclusion By crashing Activities A,B and R Project completed within 45 week timeline Project over budget $620,000, total is $3.81 million Sailboat will be ready for race
References Kelly, C. (1998). Race on the high seas. Design News, 54(9), 84. Larson E. and Gray C. (2011). Project Management, The Managerial Process, Fifth Edition, McGraw-Hill/Irvin Publishers, New York, New York. Black, R. (2000). Complete Idiot's Guide to Project Management With Microsoft Project Que.