Pinball Arcade
Background Play one of the following games for 10 minutes: Play on easy, medium, and hard. Which was most fun? Why? Flash game Shortened URL - Download “Retro Pinball” on iphone, or another pinball game on another phone.
Read Me Please! Pick up a copy of the following article at the front of the room or read it digitally here: (It’s not Game Over For Pinball. Fortune Magazine, 2013)
Essential Question PINBALL Big Idea
Your Challenge Roger Daltrey (known to his friends as Tommy) is the CEO of Wizard Games. This company produces primarily arcade level video games, and would like to get into the re-emerging pinball market. They are screening engineer teams for a contract to design a pinball game that they will produce. Their initial low tech, problem solving challenge is for you to design a system that will keep a pinball rolling within a limited game-sized area for the longest time. Who will win this challenge, and potentially win the contract?
Team Name / Logo / Guiding questions Select a Team Name Design a Simple Logo Brainstorm Questions that you will need answers to to successfully complete this challenge.
Constraints / Rules Constraints 1. You may use only the materials provided. Once they are used up, they are gone. 2. You have only the class period to complete the challenge. You must have time enough to break down and clean up your space at the end of the bell. 3. Time will be measured from the moment the pinball (marble is released) to the moment it rolls out of the defined area or comes to a stop. 4. Once the ball is released, you may not interact with the ball or any part of the system (no bumping, nudging etc.) 5. You may modify your design as many times as you like using the materials available. 6. You must document your original design and your final design. You do not need to document the many iterations in between. 7. You must provide a video documenting your final run that can be used to verify the time you report.
Materials Available Each Engineering Team will Receive the following: Non-consumables:Consumables: -1 marble- string -1 pair of scissors-4 Styrofoam cups -1 white board (used as the base)- 10 straws - 1 square of felt - 1 blob of clay - 1 roll of tape - 10 sheets of white paper - 3 sheets of construction paper
The Challenge! As long as there is time, keep modifying your design to increase the amount of time. You need to collect at least 5 sets of data from different modifications. When “Time up” is called, you must Conduct, and video record, your last trial Take a picture (perhaps more than one angle) of your final design. CLEAN UP YOUR SPACE!!!!!
For Homework Videographer: Take a video of your final trial. Upload this to You Tube, and paste a link to the video in the class google presentation. This video must play at normal speed. Drafter: Take pictures of your final set up and use them to help draw a diagram. Though it does not need to be to scale, it should be neat, large, and materials should be labeled. Analyst: Construct a graph of your distance / time data. Be sure to label axes, etc. Graphical Reporter: Develop a graphical representation that shows how the motion of the marble changed as it rolled through your system. You may not use words.
Qualitative Graphs: Position Vs. Time Describe the motion depicted in each of the position vs. time graphs below. How do you know?
Qualitative Graphs: Position Vs. Time Construct a Position vs Time graph that matches each of the description below. A marble rolls forward with a constant velocity, and rolls back toward the origin with a constant velocity. Two marbles roll away from the origin at a constant speed, one is rolling faster than the other. A marble rolls down a ramp, and speeds up.
Qualitative Graphs: Velocity Vs. Time Describe the motion depicted in each of the Velocity vs. time graphs below. How do you know? V V V
Qualitative Graphs: Velocity Vs. Time Construct a Velocity vs Time graph that matches each of the description below. A marble rolls forward with a constant velocity, and rolls back toward the origin with a constant velocity. Two marbles roll away from the origin at a constant speed, one is rolling faster than the other. V V V
Understanding a Straight Line #1 Slope = 0.77cm/cm y intercept = 0cm Equation: BH =(0.77)DH + 0cm How high will the ball bounce if dropped from 100 cm? BH =(0.77)100cm + 0cm = BH =(0.77)100cm + 0cm = 77cm Physics 2 version
Understanding a Straight Line #3 Slope = 10%/hr y intercept = 50% Equation: S=(10%/hr)T+50% What will your test score be if you study for 3 hours? S =(10%/hr)3hr + 50% = S =(10%/hr)3hr + 50% = 80% Physics 2 version
Mathematical Model Template Y = m x + b Dependent Variable (DV): A PROPERTY that can be measured The Slope: A number with Units Dv units IV Units Independent Variable (IV): A PROPERTY that can be measured Y intercept The STARTING value of the D.V. Has units of D.V.