How are we doing? Progress report Campaign launch May-June groups 72 Local authorities Bristol, Islington, Haringey, Harrogate, Harrow, Manchester already committed through our campaigning Authorities signing up independently - Durham, Leicester, Plymouth, Suffolk, Birmingham 1000s of postcards generated, loads of creative activism: Individual activism Building key national alliances
Getting Serious in 2010 Our priorities – Continuing local campaigns – Key national policy work – Local carbon budgets – our new national ask
Getting Serious in 2010 Continuing local campaigns – Keep doing what you're doing – Updated action guide, motion and postcard – New resources to work on Local Carbon Budgets – Surgery session next to pick each others' brains – Extra support – Get Serious yahoogroup
National policy work Aim: give councils the powers and resources in key areas to make emissions cuts Feed in Tariffs – work completing now Planning Policy Statement on climate change Local Transport Plans (smarter choices) Homes Getting Serious in 2010
Homes 27% of UK emissions Social reasons – fuel poverty, excess winter deaths Strong social and economic benefits Maximising energy efficiency (not just loft, cavity wall) Fitting small scale renewables Still planning campaign: – Focus on getting minimum standards for homes – Likely Local Government, Housing & Planning Bill – Big gains in longer term – 2011 onwards Getting Serious in 2010
Local Carbon Budgets An opportunity to make sure every council does its bit on climate change Government is planning how local carbon budgets would work We’re calling for local carbon budgets: For all councils Set in line with the science Supported by national government Use high quality and accessible data Timed in line with national carbon budgets Lobbying Government General Election New Government
Getting Serious in 2010 Campaign summary timeline DateGroup activity Jan – early March PRIORITY: your local council campaign Continue your work asking your council to pass the motion and implement a climate change action plan If you have time: ask local councillors to back local carbon budgets – and lobby your MP Mar- AprOnline individual actions targetting Prospective Parliamentary Candidates MayGeneral and local elections Post- election ask local councillors to back local carbon budgets – and lobby your MP
Contacts and Resources Your Local Regional Campaigner (previously RCC) : local campaign planning and policy issues. They who will forward on technical queries they cannot answer on to campaigners. Your Network Developer: about your group, planning your campaign and more general support. Get Serious Campaign Assistant: to order materials, and tell us your latest campaign news. Get Serious yahoogroup: to post questions and information for staff and other Get Serious local groups. New Resources Postcard Campaign summary Updated Action Guide Local Carbon Budgets “briefcase” Local Election guidance (will be sent out later) Other guidance (LTPs and Local Carbon Budgets today, others to follow).