1 National Weather Service VTEC Status & Plan for Action National Partners Workshop January 15, 2004 Dr. Jason Tuell Office of Science and Technology
2 Overview ObjectiveObjective BackgroundBackground Current statusCurrent status Actions since the September Partner’s conferenceActions since the September Partner’s conference ScheduleSchedule Changes to the VTEC specificationChanges to the VTEC specification Interaction with partnersInteraction with partners SummarySummary
3 Objective Implement the Valid Time Event Code in NWS Watch, Warning and Advisory productsImplement the Valid Time Event Code in NWS Watch, Warning and Advisory products Improve interpretation and accessibility of critical NWS productsImprove interpretation and accessibility of critical NWS products Reduce errors in critical NWS productsReduce errors in critical NWS products Improve end-to-end tracking of products associated with specific meteorological and hydrological eventsImprove end-to-end tracking of products associated with specific meteorological and hydrological events
4 Background VTEC “implemented” in AWIPS OB2 softwareVTEC “implemented” in AWIPS OB2 software VTEC was scheduled to be turned on 2 December 2003 for some locally generated watches and warningsVTEC was scheduled to be turned on 2 December 2003 for some locally generated watches and warnings Partner’s conference call held 27 August to discuss status of 2 December implementationPartner’s conference call held 27 August to discuss status of 2 December implementation Consensus to slip VTEC implementationConsensus to slip VTEC implementation Consensus to slip implementation confirmed at 11 September Partner’s meetingConsensus to slip implementation confirmed at 11 September Partner’s meeting
5 Current Status VTEC specification updated to address shortcomings identified during Watch-by- County and internal testingVTEC specification updated to address shortcomings identified during Watch-by- County and internal testing Revised specification in internal reviewRevised specification in internal review Partner’s VTEC working group integral part of specification revisionPartner’s VTEC working group integral part of specification revision Software developers tasked to implement revised specificationSoftware developers tasked to implement revised specification Some development risk if changes to specification occur during review cycleSome development risk if changes to specification occur during review cycle
6 DateAction 30 January 2004 Revised NWSI in coordination Revised NWSI in coordination 13 February 2004 Initial PNS on new schedule and specification November 2003 – March 2004 Software development and DT&E 1 March 2004 Deliver software for OB3.1 1 April 2004 Release OB3.1 1 June 2004 Deliver VTEC related training to WFOs 1 July – 15 August 2004 OT&E 1 September 2004 OT&E draft assessment complete 1 October 2004 Joint go/no go decision on turn key, issue final PNS 15 October 2004 Deploy software corrections from OT&E 15 October – 1 November 2004 Re-test corrections of OT&E related deficiencies 1 December 2004 VTEC turn key for locally generated products January 2005 Turn key Watch by County Hurricane season 2005 Deliver VTEC in hurricane products Schedule
7 VTEC changes First letter prefix to classify type of productsFirst letter prefix to classify type of products “o” operational“o” operational “t” test“t” test “e” experimental“e” experimental “x” operational with experimental VTEC string“x” operational with experimental VTEC string
8 Locally generated products Public Products Severe Thunderstorm Warning SVR Tornado Warning TOR Winter Storm products WSW Non-Precipitation products NPW Severe Weather Statement SVS Watch County Notification WCN Hydro Products Flood Watch FFA Flash Flood Warning FFW Flood Warning FLW Flash Flood Statements FFS Flood Statements FLS
9 Locally Generated Products Marine Products Coastal Waters Forecast CWF Nearshore Waters Forecast NSH Open Lakes Forecast GLF Offshore Waters Forecast OFF Special Marine Warning SMW Marine Weather Statements MWS Coastal Flood products CFW Lakeshore Flood products CFW
10 Partner-NWS Interaction Herb White Dissemination Services Manager Office of Climate, Water, and Weather Services
11 Partner Interaction OT&E Our goal – Joint OT&E of locally generated productsOur goal – Joint OT&E of locally generated products Test NWS and partners’ capabilitiesTest NWS and partners’ capabilities Work together to build an OT&E planWork together to build an OT&E plan –Need to accommodate full spectrum of products during OT&E Define evaluation criteriaDefine evaluation criteria Joint data collection for error monitoringJoint data collection for error monitoring
12 Partner Interaction Must ensure adequate feedback on VTEC and other issuesMust ensure adequate feedback on VTEC and other issues Participation in OT&E is critical as learned in WBCParticipation in OT&E is critical as learned in WBC Planning and executionPlanning and execution VTEC working groups has had made a tremendous contribution to refining and clarifying the VTEC specificationVTEC working groups has had made a tremendous contribution to refining and clarifying the VTEC specification VTEC listserve/r er to disseminate and share VTEC related information VTEC listserve/r er to disseminate and share VTEC related information Send comments to
13 Summary Consensus to not implement VTEC on 2 December 2003Consensus to not implement VTEC on 2 December 2003 Have worked with the partners to define new schedule and enhanced specificationHave worked with the partners to define new schedule and enhanced specification Conduct joint OT&E to determine whether we are jointly ready for VTEC December 2004Conduct joint OT&E to determine whether we are jointly ready for VTEC December 2004 Work together to make VTEC a success!