Mr. Wignall’s Retesting Policy (updated 11/3/13) (updated 1/21/15)
34 s (wow!) Cheating doesn’t affect teachers, it affects other students. So, that’s who should be mad. Many good suggestions (cell phones, etc) You might slip it past me, but there are 30 students in the class, and many aren’t okay with cheating. Don’t think you haven’t been named.
Food for Thought… “If you were allowed to retake an important test that you failed, how would you prepare for it? Now, why not prepare that way for the first test?” --L. Wignall
Write a 2 paragraph letter (6-8 sentences each paragraph) explaining what happened on the first test and what will change in the future. The first paragraph needs to be an honest reflection of what happened to lead up to the poor test score. The second paragraph needs to be a detailed plan on how you will ensure that future retests are not needed. This letter must be signed by a parent and stapled to the original test before it will be considered. In order to be considered for a retest, the following steps need to be taken (in this order):
The student will need to provide test corrections on a clean piece of paper to demonstrate he or she knows how to fix their mistakes. This is your ticket to the retest. The retest will be Monday the 26 th and includes numbers 6-10 only (the mathy ones). If you cannot be there, make plans to take it in the morning or the prior Friday. This will not be the same test.
Assuming all of these criteria are met, students will be allowed to retake a test and that score will replace their previous score (It’s not “whichever score is higher”). This is a one-shot deal that applies to this test only.
Final Thought… “There’s no point in retaking a test if you haven’t changed how you prepare for it. Failing tests is a sign that something needs to change, and it’s not the test.” --L. Wignall