The French Revolution!. Social Class in France Prior to the Revolution, France was made up of three estates: –1 st Estate - Clergy.5% of population Owned.


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Presentation transcript:

The French Revolution!

Social Class in France Prior to the Revolution, France was made up of three estates: –1 st Estate - Clergy.5% of population Owned 10% of land –2 nd Estate – Nobles 1.5% of population Owned 25% of land –3 rd Estate – Commoners 98% of population Owned 65% of land PAID ALL TAXES!

Causes of the Revolution 1.Economic Pressures on Third Estate 3 rd Estate paid all taxes Prices were on the rise – particularly bread 2.Absolutism King has absolute authority 3.National Financial Crisis Poor harvests; high unemployment Assisting U.S. Revolution drained French treasury King & Marie’s spending 4.Influence of Enlightenment Rousseau / Locke!

The Beginnings of Revolution With France facing bankruptcy in May 1789, King Louis XVI looked to raise taxes. –Needed approval from Estates General Parliament Each estate received one vote –1 st and 2 nd estates always voted (2-1) in favor of raising taxes on the 3 rd estate! Claiming the Estates General was unfair, the 3 rd Estate formed their own parliament – the National Assembly – in protest! –To prevent them from meeting, Louis XVI locked them out of the meeting rooms. –Met on Tennis Courts instead. June 1789 – Tennis Court Oath –Swore not to disband until a new constitution was written!

The People Revolt! July French citizens storm the Bastille in search of weapons. –Paris’ royal prison and armory. –Seen as symbol of oppression of monarchy. August 1789 – National Assembly issues the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen –Statement of the principles of the revolution!

Attack on the King! Louis XVI refused to endorse the declaration or submit to any of the National Assembly’s demands. October Parisian women marched to, and stormed, Versailles. –“Bread March” –Capture Louis and Marie. Force them to Paris.

A New Constitution? Two years pass while National Assembly writes Constitution. –Looking to establish “Constitutional Monarchy” Limited kings power; laws were made by the National Assembly. June Louis XVI & family attempted to flee France –Caught near the French-Austrian border. –Brought back to Paris; forced to sign new Constitution. Fall it was clear the new Constitution was not working. France declares war on Austria, are paranoid that the revolution will fail.

The National Convention September 1792 – National Convention is called to draft another Constitution. –Dominated by two groups: Girondins –More conservative; wanted Constitutional Monarchy. Jacobins –More radical; Wanted France to become a republic. –Jacobins dominate convention; France becomes a republic! December 1792 – Fearing his betrayal, the republic decided Louis must not live. –King executed January 1793

The Revolution Gets Radical Reacting to the execution of Louis, a coalition of nations prepared to invade France and end the revolution. –Austria, Prussia, Spain, Portugal, Britain, and the Dutch. –Why? Spring The Committee of Public Safety is created. –Dominated by Maximilien Robespierre –Goals: Protect France from invasion –Establish Revolutionary Army Ensure success of Revolution –Eliminate individuals who put its success at risk.

The Reign of Terror Spring 1793 to July 1794 – Reign of Terror –Thousands are killed or arrested in name of keeping Revolution alive. 17,000 killed –Guillotine 200,000 arrested Robespierre passed policies to create a “Republic of Virtue” –New Titles –Education Changes –Price Controls –De-Christianization –Revolutionary Calendar

The End of the Terror Summer Revolutionary Army had defeated the foreign invaders. July National Assembly arrested and executed Robespierre. –Was too radical and violent. –Revolution then takes a more conservative turn. French Republic eventually ended in 1799 by Napoleon Bonaparte. –Becomes absolutist leader!

Legacy of the Revolution? 1.Enlightenment ideas spread around Europe and the New World. 2.Absolutist reaction all over Europe. Kings become MORE absolutist in order avoid revolution. 3.Inspire other later revolution. Appeal of violent social upheaval – especially in New World.