SuperKEKB 3nd open meeting July 7-9, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik Sensor and ASIC R&D Sensor Prototype Production: running, ASICs: Switcher, DCD Prototypes under test, DHP: design phase More Information: Indico page of Ringberg Workshop: py?confId=466
SuperKEKB 3nd open meeting July 7-9, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik Sensor Production Status Status at 2nd Belle II meeting (March): SOI wafer bonding at Tracit, France 30 SOI wafers received, processing in our own lab has started Presently: cleaning, oxygenation, alignment mask, first implantation: next week. Processed are 6 wafers + dummies
SuperKEKB 3nd open meeting July 7-9, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik Wafer layout Small test matrices with various pixel sizes; 50 µm x 50 µm.. 50 µm x 175 µm Technology variations (gate length L) 4 ½ module large matrices with most likely pixel sizes 5cm: 50µm x 75µm 5cm: 50µm x 100µm 3.5cm 50µm x 50µm 3.5cm 50µm x 75µm Important for timing!
SuperKEKB 3nd open meeting July 7-9, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik Favorized design (zoom)
SuperKEKB 3nd open meeting July 7-9, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik Favorized design (zoom) Pixel Clear Gate Source Drain
SuperKEKB 3nd open meeting July 7-9, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik Source (all connected, double pixel share one source) Drain (neighbour pixel share one drain, connected to one DCD channel) Gate (double pixel have gates connected & interleaved connection) To gate switcher To DCD Option: common source/drain: very compact (small pitch) but interleaved readout
SuperKEKB 3nd open meeting July 7-9, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik DEPFET parameter model drain current 1. row “0“ “1“ “0“ 2. row3. row clear “1“ gate Read-Clear-Read for 3 neighboring matrix rows Including realistic RC loads for control and readout lines RC times critical: 80 ns sample-clear-sample just ok Capacitance depends on sensor length (drain lines) and number of pixels (drain capacitance)
SuperKEKB 3nd open meeting July 7-9, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik Changes for final production Thin oxides: for improved radiation hardness: d ox 200nm -> 100nm => small threshold voltage shifts => however: reduction of gain Shorter gates compensate gain loss due to thin oxide -> compensate by reducing L by 0.8 (6 µm -> 4.7 µm) improve gain (overcompensate) L ~ 4.0µm: g q ~ 600 pA/e (instead of 450 pA/e) needs plasma etching Tests/test structures on PXD6 production Extra thin oxide test planned in autumn
SuperKEKB 3nd open meeting July 7-9, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik DEPFET Readout and Control ASICs DCD, Switcher: Heidelberg DHP: Bonn, Barcelona
SuperKEKB 3nd open meeting July 7-9, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik Switcher 3 Radiation tolerant layout in 0.35 μm technology 128 channels + Very fast - Operation up to 11.5 V Novel design: Uses stacked LV transistors, HV twin-wells and capacitors as level- shifters + No DC power consumption Tested up to 22 Mrad 9V out ‘SRAM’ 3V ‘SRAM’ 6V ‘SRAM’ 0V 3V 6V 9V 2ns
SuperKEKB 3nd open meeting July 7-9, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik Switcher 4 Uses radiation tolerant high voltage transistors in HV 0.35 μm technology 64 channels + fast enough + Possible operation up to 50 V (30V tested) + low DC power consumption Enclosed design of NMOS HV transistors Should be rad hard (to be tested) Final chip: only 16 or 32 channels
SuperKEKB 3nd open meeting July 7-9, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik DCD »- Technology 0.18 μm »- 72 Channels »- 2 ADCs and regulated cascode/channel »- 6 channels multiplexed to one digital LVDS output »- ADC sampling period 160 ns (8 bits) »- Channel sampling period 80 ns »- LVDS output: 600 M bits/s »- Chip: 7.2 G bits/s (12 outputs) »- Radiation tolerant design »- ~ 1mW/ADC
SuperKEKB 3nd open meeting July 7-9, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik DCD Layout for Belle II: 160 channel chip, bump bonded Radiation hardness tested up to 7 Mrad
SuperKEKB 3nd open meeting July 7-9, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik DCD Tests Works almost at design frequency (540 MHz: 88ns line rate) (works still at nominal 600 MHz, but with higher noise) Noise level: 90nA with 450 pA/e: 200 e ENC (S/N = 20:1) Some bugs discovered, improved version will be submitted Push DEPFET gain (600 pA/e ?) Manuel Koch, Bonn
SuperKEKB 3nd open meeting July 7-9, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik DHP Configuration Synchronization DCD/Switcher Data processing (CM, Pedestal 0-Sup) Clustering? Buffering, Trigger handling Being designed, 90nm CMOS
SuperKEKB 3nd open meeting July 7-9, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik DHP – Signal Rates & Data Flow Assumptions ( extended specs.) »10µs r/o time ( 20 µs) »128 switcher channels ( 256) »10 kHz trigger (un-triggered r/o) »2-4% occupancy Bonn, Barcelona
SuperKEKB 3nd open meeting July 7-9, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik Summary: ASICs »- DCD prototype chip has been tested with test signals that correspond to DEPFET currents and irradiated up to 7 Mrad. » The chip works fine and has high enough conversion speed. » Operation with matrices still to be tested – we do not expect problems. » Only „fine tuning“ of the design for the super KEKB operation is necessary. »- Switcher prototype with LV transistors has been tested and irradiated up to 22 MRad. » The chip works fine and has adequate speed for Belle II operation. »- Another prototype with HV transistors has been designed and tested. »- The irradiation of the chip still has to be done but the basic and most critical part (high- voltage NMOS) has been irradiated up to 600 KRad and no damage has been observed. »- DHP chip will be designed using digital design tools in intrinsically radiation hard 90 nm technology. »- Choice between 4 different bumping technologies – advantages and disadvantages still to be evaluated »Planned submissions: Switcher:October 09 DCD:September 09 DHP: October 09
SuperKEKB 3nd open meeting July 7-9, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik Questions General: Radiation: SEU tolerance: what level of background from hadrons? Ground loops? DHP Trigger: max. rate and trigger dead time Interleaved readout: not wanted by ASIC designers Distance DHP-DHH How many (complete) frames to store (for calibration) Switcher: Range of different operation voltages (compatible with internal level shifter)