Chapter 8 Meeting Organization Contents Different types of meetings 1 How to prepare for a formal meeting 2 How to organize a formal meeting 3 How to.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 8 Meeting Organization

Contents Different types of meetings 1 How to prepare for a formal meeting 2 How to organize a formal meeting 3 How to write a meeting agenda 4 How to write minutes of a meeting 5

How to write a meeting agenda 4 is a planned structure of the tasks & topics of a meeting.

(1) Who will attend the meeting (3) Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting (5) Any other matters 7) Adjournment (2) Minutes of the last meeting (4) Agenda subject 1,2,3, etc. (6) Date, time and place of the next meeting How to write a meeting agenda 4 An agenda should include:

How to write a meeting agenda 4 1. Welcome & introduction from the Chair 2. Roll call of attendance and apologies for non-attendance 3. Minutes from the last meeting 4. Matters arising from the last meeting 5. Officers reports 6. Specific agenda items 7. Any other business 8. Date of the next meeting 9. Adjournment Agenda

6 典型的议事程序 – 宣布议程 – 宣读并批准上次会议的会议记录(必须通过才能成为文件) – 官员(财务主管)做报告 – 委员会作报告 – 讨论、解决上次会议遗留的事情 – 讨论、解决这次会议提交的事情 – 人事任命 – 提名并选举新的负责人 – 通知 – 休会

Rearrangement: Rearrangement the items in the following agenda without looking for help in the textbook. (P83 Ex.3)

Write an agenda in accordance with the following requirements. (P 83 Ex 4)

How to write minutes of a meeting 5  Definition: an official record of the proceedings of a formal meeting, and are considered in some countries as legal documents.  Purpose: To provide an accurate & concise record of the business transacted.

Past Tense Third Person  Mr. Murray reported that…  Mr. Thompson raised the question of…  It was decided to hold the next meeting of the directors on (date). How to write minutes of a meeting 5

Chairperson Secretary All other attendees Signature Names 1st item for January 2012: 1/12 128th item for 2011: 128/11 Numbers of the minutes Minutes should have: How to write minutes of a meeting 5

Use the sample meeting minutes in the texts of this chapter as the base, and draw up the agenda which would have been circulated for the meeting as recorded by the minutes. (P 83 Ex 6)

Work in a group of five students to hold a meeting to discuss how to offer more incentive (salary, bonus, prize, ect.) to motivate employees in the busy season of production. One student is responsible for setting the agenda; one should take meeting minutes; the other three students brainstorm ideas.