REU Site: Multifunctional Nanomaterials Michelle Richards-Babb, West Virginia University Research Corporation, DMR Intellectual Merits: Goals Research on….. Integration of novel biological and solid state devices Optical, electronic, and magnetic properties of single/arrays of proteins, new solid state materials/devices Biomolecular sensors (hybrid sensing devices) with potential applications in biometrics and health care Energy conversion materials Intellectual Merits: Results 2011 Studied self-propelled motion of asymmetric “Janus particles” (silica bead half covered with catalytic Pt) (Seth Burkert, St. Francis U.; Advisor: R.L. Carroll, Chemistry ) Used photolithography to fabricate microfluidic channel network as model for microvascular vessel networks (Erin Gallagher, Emory and Henry C.; Advisor: Y. Liu, CS & EE) [a] Grew and characterized multiferroic oxides for use in magnetoelectric devices (Dan Marshall, Penn State U.; Advisor: David Lederman, Physics.) [b] Notable Developments Studied protein aggregation on drug metabolism using self-assembled monolayer (SAM) on silicon chip (Brad Nakamura, Xavier College; Advisor: P. Gannett, Pharmacy)- greater amounts of metabolites found in solution trials (where drug can aggregate) than in trials using enzyme bound to SAM on gold chip (to better model the liver’s enzyme activity). [c] [a] Microfluidic channel loaded with collagen cells. This system models the microvascular system and will be used to study drugs affecting microvascular activity. [b] Grew epitaxial, multilayered, and multiferroic thin films of YInO 3 and YMnO 3. Preliminary results show crystalline YInO 3 but not YMnO 3. Red: multilayer of YInO 3 and YMnO 3 blue: single, crystalline layer of YInO 3
2011 WVNano REU Participant, Kathryn Smith, Elect. Eng. Major from U. of North Carolina-Charlotte (right) in the process of fabricating a photonic crystal. Kathryn received best poster award at the culminating symposium. REU Site: Multifunctional Nanomaterials Michelle Richards-Babb, West Virginia University Research Corporation, DMR Broader Impacts: Goals Increase retention of women and students from Appalachia in STEM majors Increase number of students that pursue post- grad STEM degrees and improve STEM workforce Focus on four-year colleges from Appalachian region (students that might normally not consider attending graduate school) Broader Impacts: Results 2011 For ten REU positions, 170 applications were received. An eleventh student joined the REU program with funding from her UG institution. 2011 REU participants included 5 women (45%) and six men (55%). Four of REU participants have applied to or have been accepted to graduate school. Five of 10 are rising juniors or seniors. Notable Developments Scientific career mentoring speakers provide: networking opportunities and role models. Culminating scientific poster symposium: is coordinated with five other summer UG research programs; allows participants to showcase their communication and research skills; and provides REU participants with an experience analogous to a scientific conference; 89 participants in WVNano REU Participant, Kelley Wambaugh, Chemistry Major from West Virginia Wesleyan College presenting her research at weekly meeting WVNano REU Participant, Cass Crihfield, Chemistry Major from Wheeling Jesuit U., explaining her research to judges during the poster symposium.