Creative Writing Thursday, December 15, 2011
Today’s Learning Targets Identify figurative language Use figurative language in your own writing
Today’s Agenda 1.Word of the day 2.Writing prompt 3.Share and guess game with writing prompt poems 4.Identifying figurative language activity/handout 5.Writing with figurative language handout 6.Writing free-verse poems—By the end of today, you will have examples and ideas for 5 different poems. You will need to have five poems written by tomorrow. 7.HOMEWORK: – Bring a food item and a photograph to class tomorrow – Finish the five short poems by tomorrow.
Word of the Day: Malleable Capable of being shaped or molded
Writing Prompt- 1.Pick one of the images posted around the room (on the front or side whiteboard, on the wall along the back) and write a line poem about it. 2.Work on using active verbs 3.Use concrete nouns 4.Work on making your writing concrete. 5.Be prepared to share and have others guess which picture is the subject matter of your poem.
Figurative Language Assignment Figurative language includes the following: – Metaphor – Simile – Personification – Symbol – Allegory – irony On the handout, find the examples of figurative language and answer the questions. You can work with your table partner on this. Work on writing your own figurative language poems. You will write 3 short poems following the examples on the 2 nd handout. Feel free to also manipulate forms and break out of the mold. These are just starting places. These ideas are malleable.
More poems to write After you wrote the three short poems for the figurative language practice, look at the examples from the 3 rd handout (season poems and apology poem or thank you poems) Write your own season poem Write either a short thank you or apology poem (at least 5 lines).
To build portfolio Collect all the poetry you work on between now and the next couple of weeks. So far, you have a color poem and the emotion poem from Tuesday. After break, we will study various forms of poetry.
HOMEWORK Finish the 5 poems from today. Bring the following two items to class tomorrow: – a favorite food item for food poems – a photograph that holds some memory for you for memory photo poems It is a required assignment (meaning points in the grade book) to bring these things with you.