Co-production – what’s it all about? money economy wages benefits income transactions core economy family friends community relationships
Co-production reverses this evaluation: core economy work = high value core economy workers = high value money economy transactions scarecity = high value core economy relationships commonplace = low value
Co-production – principles facilitation not delivery valuing participants building on their strengths developing peer-support networks mutuality and reciprocity
Wellbeing – five-a-day connecting learning giving awareness / engagement being active
Co-production: impact C2 Connecting Communities down 50% down 71% up 100% down 42% down 70% down 50% down to zero overall crime rate unemployment educational attainment child protection rates post natal depression childhood asthma teenage pregnancy
C2 Connecting Communities through dance we can change ourselves, others, and the community of which we are a part…
Early action / prevention Connecting Communities Report estimated return = 1: 3.8 – 1: neighbourhoods over 3 years = £1,414,242 savings +
Co-production in Wales Ministers Senior civil servants & Government advisors local authorities Chief Medical Officer Sustainability Commissioner WCVA and Participation Cymru Public Engagement Working Group Welsh Alliance for Citizen-directed Support Disability Wales NLIAH Bevan Foundation Public Services Wales 2025 Wales Co-operatives Wales Progressive Co-operators One Voice Wales public-service professionals
Co-production in Wales Environment Matters Symposium Communities Can 2012 Assets for Health Symposium All in this Together events WCVA November Conference I matter We matter: Co-production in Action Co-production Practitioners’ Network Social Services bill – consultation responses Health & Social Care Committee evidence Environment & Sustainability legislation Housing legislation Scottish co-pro collaboration visit
To place co-production principles at the heart of public services in Wales. commissioning, design, delivery, evaluation AitT Aims
To create a Welsh vision of co-production that builds on our traditions of mutualism and co-operation. To move to a values-based approach to service commissioning, design, delivery & evaluation. To improve the effectiveness of service delivery. To increase collaboration and partnership across agencies, sectors and communities. To increase citizen engagement in service delivery. To revitalise communities and empower individuals. To respond effectively to major public sector cuts. AitT Aims
collective action to lift all of us together persuade / influence / champion it do it / get your organisation to do it / ask WG to do it show others how to do it / mentor & support / share it connect / collaborate / co-operate / make links publicise it / shout about it / evidence it complete the Co-pro Survey: sign the open letter