1 Governance strategy for the Washington City Group Comments on draft proposal by Howard Meltzer (UK) February 19-20 Brussels.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Governance strategy for the Washington City Group Comments on draft proposal by Howard Meltzer (UK) February Brussels

2 What is governance? What should it cover? System of decision making processes Roles - contribution made to the group Responsibilities - areas which show leadership and manage resources Accountabilities - the outcomes for which they are answerable. Roles, responsibilities and accountabilities are only meaningful in the context of the purpose of the group.

3 Relationship between governance and purpose The “preamble” to the draft proposal should be renamed “Terms of reference” and include a general statement of the main purpose of the group. The main purpose of the WCG is the promotion and co-ordination of international co-operation in the area of heath statistics by focusing on disability measures suitable for censuses and national surveys for the purpose of policy formulation and analysis. Expand “purpose of policy” to include conclusion of position paper.

4 From general purpose to specific aims The “Terms of reference” should include statements of the specific aims of the group. These specific aims should describe outputs (type of disability measures) with a prioritisation rating. Methodological issues represent operational qualifications of the implementation of the disability measures and as such are part of the WCG discussions but not a specific aim.

5 Evaluation of disability measures For high priority measures the WCG should assess: –the suitability of the indicator for policy purposes; –the technical properties of each measure; –general availability in a wide range of countries; –use for national policies and priorities (where known); –frequency with which comparisons should be made.

6 Operating principles and structure Who are the stakeholders and what is their relative influence and accountability? What are the arrangements for reviewing and ensuring compliance with governance principles especially for a group where participation is voluntary? If meetings are held each year, what reports are expected and when?