Revalidation Milton Keynes VTS 13 July 2010 Dr Sarah Whiteman MBBS FRCGP DCH DipIMCRCSED DipMedEd DMJ DRCOG FHEA
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What is Revalidation Revalidation is about providing further assurance that all doctors with a licence are up to date and fit to practise Revalidation is about promoting public confidence in the profession, encouraging self reflection and professional development
Definition Revalidation is the process by which doctors will have to demonstrate to the GMC, normally every five years, that they are up to date and fit to practise and complying with the relevant professional standards.
How long? Revalidation is a five-year process and not a fifth year process
Revalidation will not involve a point-in- time assessment of a doctor’s knowledge and skills but will be based on a continuing evaluation of their practice in the context of their everyday working environment.
Revalidation will be based on local systems of annual appraisal over a five year period and will simply affirm periodically what has already been demonstrated through the appraisal process. For most doctors it will not mean having to do new things or change the way they work.
The value of Revalidation Revalidation will focus on affirming good practice for the vast majority of doctors but will also complement other systems for detecting poor practice. Revalidation must add value and provide a reasonable level of assurance to colleagues, employers, patients and the public. Revalidation must be relevant to doctors’ day-to-day medical practice and build upon systems that already exist in the workplace to support high quality care.
The introduction of Revalidation Revalidation is being piloted to ensure that it works and that the proposals are proportionate and practicable No big bang introduction – phased approach to implementation Revalidation is on its way; we will introduce it gradually to ensure that it is effective and enduring
The pilots Summaries and final reports from all the projects can be found at ojects_and_pilots.asp ojects_and_pilots.asp
Strengthened Medical Apraisal This information will need to cover the four domains and 12 attributes described in the Good Medical Practice Framework for appraisal and assessment. The four domains are: knowledge, skills and performance safety and quality communication, partnership and teamwork maintaining trust
Knowledge skills + performance Maintain your professional development Apply knowledge and experience to practice Keep clear, accurate and legible records
Safety and quality Systems to protect patients and improve care Respond to risks to patient safety Protect patients from risks posed by your health
Communication, partnership + teamwork Communication skills Work constructively with colleagues and delegation Establish and maintain partnerships with patients
Maintaining trust Show respect for patients Treat patients fairly and without discrimination Act with honesty and integrity
What about us?! Our intention is that the ARCP process, in conjunction with feedback and sign-off of trainee placements from employers, should provide the vehicle through which trainees would be able to revalidate. In effect, revalidation would be the by-product of your successful progression through training. Your first revalidation will be either at the point you are awarded a Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) or five years from the date you are granted full registration, whichever is the sooner.
Useful resources alidation_guide.aspxhttp:// alidation_guide.aspx primary_care/primary_care_taskforce/a ppraisal_service.aspxhttp:// primary_care/primary_care_taskforce/a ppraisal_service.aspx
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