LBA Reading Group Review: HeapMon: A helper-thread approach to programmable, automatic, and low- overhead memory bug detection
Software View
Hardware View
Details SESC Simulator - UIUC - MIPS ISA
Key Take-Aways: Strengths Heap access checking with low performance overhead Filter bits can provide enormous benefit 95% of checks eliminated But… filter bit calculation is expensive Checks the effect of the access Improves queue size as well as performance 64-entry request and 8-entry response Two modes: precise and imprecise Sensitivity analysis shows VFC key for some apps Cute discussion of undetected, injected bugs
Key Take-Aways: Weaknesses Hardware non-neglible (VFC, filter bits, queue) Similar MemCheck limitations Unable to detect OOB accesses that hit an allocated area Apps that perform special mem. management need handling Other? What about stack accesses? Possible by treating frame creation as malloc? No discussion of false positives No discussion of protections for checking mechanism The “stop-monitoring” annotation could be dangerous No discussion of precisely clearing the filter bits Unclear how to generalize (eg TaintCheck) Precise mode modeled sufficiently? (single-cycle fetch)
Comparisons CMP parallel always-on bug checking SW event insertion similar to annotations Application core stalls if queue is full No discussion of multi-level state bit checking* No handling of memory ordering resolution