The State of Millennials Capital Cabal – Washington DC July 13, 2011 Lee Rainie: Director, Pew Internet Project
Portrait of a generation
Race and ethnicity
Male education level
Female education level
Community type
Marital status
Distinctive values
Technology and media
Self-definition = technology aptitude
Source: Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project, April 26-May 22, 2011 Tracking Survey. N=2,277 adults 18 and older, including 755 reached via cell phone.
Digital devices Millennials (18-34) Gen X (35-46) Younger Boomers (47-56) Older Boomers (57-65) Silent Generation (66-74) G.I. Generation (75+) All online adults (18+) Cell phone 94%89%86%77%70%41%83% Desktop computer 55%67%62%61%48%29%57% Laptop computer 70%63%58%49%32%14%56% iPod or MP3 player 69%57%36%24%10%5%44% Game console 63% 38%19%8%3%42% e-Book reader 12%14% 12%6%5%12% Tablet, like iPad 12%9%8%7%2%1%8%
Source: Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project, April 26-May 22, 2011 Tracking Survey. N=2,277 adults 18 and older, including 755 reached via cell phone.
Smartphone activities Millennials over-index on … Texting use Taking pictures on smartphone Going online using smartphone Downloading apps on smartphone Recording video on smartphone Playing music on smartphone Playing games on smartphone
Source: Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project, April 26-May 22, 2011 Tracking Survey. N=2,277 adults 18 and older, including 755 reached via cell phone.
Source: Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project, October 20-November 28, 2010 Social Networking survey.
Source: Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project, April 26-May 22, 2011 Tracking Survey. N=2,277 adults 18 and older, including 755 reached via cell phone.
SNS activities Millennials out perform other gens. on … Logging on daily “Liking” something/someone multiple times a day Updating status daily Tagging and commenting on photos daily Commenting on others’ status daily Having diverse socio-economic network
What does this mean? Social networks are more influential - 1 Sentries
What does this mean? Evaluators Social networks are more influential - 2
What does this mean? Audience = New media are the new neighborhood Social networks are more influential - 3
2010 election
Millennials are more Democratic Congressional vote % voted for Democrat – Compared with 35% of older voters 37% voted for Republican – Compared with 43% of other voters Rest refused to answer 32% had not heard anything about Tea Party movement Among those who’d heard of Tea Party: – 51% had no opinion about Tea Party activities – 22% agree (vs. 20% of general population) – 25% disagree (vs. 25% of general population)
Getting most news for politics - % of adults (can give multiple answers)
Source: Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project, Nov 4-22, N=2,257 adults 18 and older, including 755 reached via cell phone.
No major SNS differences for Millennials Overall use of SNS to get political information Friending candidates Posting content
Source: Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project, Nov 4-22, N=2,257 adults 18 and older, including 755 reached via cell phone.
Not much generational difference on... Increases the influence of extreme views 58% of Millennials; 55% of all adults Exposes people to a wider range of political views 68% of Millennials; 61% of all adults Easy/Difficult to tell what is true EASY % of Millennials; 33% of all adults DIFFICULT % of Millennials; 56% of all adults
Participation in groups
Groups where youngest Amers are most active Type of group Total pop. Ages Ages Ages Ages 65+ Groups where the youngest adults are most active Gaming communities6%10%*5%4%3% Fan groups for shows/celebrities6%8%*6%4% Fan groups for products/brands3%6%*4%2%1%
Groups where younger Amers are least active Type of group Total pop. Ages Ages Ages Ages 65+ Community groups, neighborhood associations 19%9%^20%23% Support groups for those w/ illness, personal situation 18%14%^19%21%20% Political parties or organizations15%8%^15%20%16% Parent groups such as PTA13%7%^21%11%6% Labor unions8%4%^9%12%5% Travel clubs5%2%^5%6%7%
Groups where older Americans are most active Type of group Total pop. Ages Ages Ages Ages 65+ Groups where those over age 50 are most active Church, religious, spiritual groups40%29%39%42%53%* Organizations for older adults such as AARP15%2%3%27%*37%* Consumer groups24%18%22%*30%24% Charitable or volunteer organizations such as Habitat for Humanity 22%17%23%26%*22% Professional or trade associations20%13%24%*26%*12% Veterans organizations7%2%5%9%*13%*
Groups where all Amers are equally active Type of group Total pop. Ages Ages Ages Ages 65+ Hobby groups or clubs17%14%18% 17% Alumni associations14%13%14%16%15% Literary groups such as book clubs11%10% 12% Performance or arts groups10%8%11%12%11% Social/fraternal clubs8% 7%8%10% Environmental groups7%5%8% Farm organizations4%3%5%4%5%
Millennials more likely than older Americans to feel that the internet … Invite people to join groups in which I am active Keep up with news and info about my groups Organize activities for my groups Contribute money to my groups Spend more time with my groups Create my own group Discover groups to join and helps me join more groups
July 9, Will Millennials’ use of tech change as they age?
47 Will Millennials’ use of tech change as they age? By 2020, members of Gen Y will have grown out of much of their use of social networks and transparency- engendering online tools. As they age and find new commitments, their enthusiasm for widespread information-sharing will abate. 29% experts 28% full sample By 2020, members of Gen Y will continue to disclose personal information to stay connected. Even as they mature, have families, and take on more significant responsibilities, their enthusiasm for widespread information sharing will carry forward. 67% experts 69% full sample
48 Themes Online sharing builds friendships, forms communities and builds reputations – Millennials have seen the benefits and will continue to share online as they grow older New social norms that reward disclosure of private information are already forming, in fact, 20 th century notions of privacy are already morphing New boundaries will be set as people adjust to new realities shaped by social network providers Those who disagreed with the majority mostly said that commitments tied to aging will change Millennials level of sharing – especially the time crunch from work and family
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