Math Resources for Parents 5 th Grade
The following slides contain video links that will allow you to help your students with their homework. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask! I hope you find this helpful!
As you go through the PowerPoint, click on the reel icon to find the videos
Addition Students should be using the US Standard Algorithm (traditional borrowing and carrying) by the time they reach 5 th grade, but in case they are still unsure…check out these strategies to help your child understand.
Subtraction: Using a Number Line Again, your students should be using the US Standard Algorithm (traditional borrowing and carrying) by the time they reach 5 th grade, but in case they are still unsure…check out these strategies to help your child understand.
Multiplication In fifth grade, students will move to the traditional method of multiplying but until they are comfortable, they may rely on one of these strategies. Multiplication using the Open Area Model Multiplication using Partial Products
Division Division using Partial Quotients (Hangman) – This method can be a little confusing in the beginning but it really allows students to work the problem in smaller chunks so they are more accurate.
Fractions The new standards ask our students to be able to place fractions on a number line. Although this is a new method for us adults, it gives kids a visual that allows fractions to make sense! Ordering Fractions on a Number Line Comparing Fractions Fractions on a Number Line Multiplying Fractions