Age of Reform 1. Origins of Reform A. 2 nd Great Awakening 1. Revived interest in religion & reform
2. Contrasted 1 st Great Awakening
3. Characterized by Camp Meetings
B. Influences & Impact 1. Focused attention on change 2. Questioning of American values, politics, economics, etc
II. Reform Movements A. Temperance 1. End consumption of Alcohol 2. Abstinence 3. ATU – 1830s 4. Moral Suasion
B. Abolition 1. Quakers 1780s 2. Slave resistance 3. Underground Railroad 4. Douglass & Garrison
"I will not equivocate, I will not excuse, I will not retreat a single inch, and I will be heard!"
C. Educational Reform Public Ed. Law Massachusetts Public Ed. Law/ Compulsory Ed. 3. Horace Mann
Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity
4. Women’s Education a. No real opportunity b. Women’s roles reflected in name of first educational institutions- seminaries
D. Women’s Rights 1. Suffrage Seneca Falls Convention 2. Basic rights
Lucretia MottElizabeth Cady Stanton
Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Susan B. Anthony
3. Educational Reform Key figures: Emma Willard- 1 st women’s HS Troy Seminary 1821
Mary Lyon- 1 st college Mount Holyoke Seminary 1836 Oberlin College st coeducation