NMTPF for Azerbaijan 2010-12. NMTPF development process The NMTPF in Azerbaijan was formulated in 2009 with the request of the Government of Azerbaijan,


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Presentation transcript:

NMTPF for Azerbaijan

NMTPF development process The NMTPF in Azerbaijan was formulated in 2009 with the request of the Government of Azerbaijan, funded by TCP facility It resulted from a large multi-stakeholder consultation process, from the Launch Workshop in January 2009; Prioritization Workshop in October 2009 for joint brainstorming and consensus building exercise on priority areas and Final Workshop for the presentation and discussion of the Draft NMTPF document It indicates FAO’s broad commitment to support to GoA Strategies & State Programs, subject to funds availability It contributes to UNDAF cycle and is subject to revision in 2012

NMTPF Development process Nine priority sub-sectors have been jointly identified and assessed Five Thematic areas/clusters have been identified, each one with a number of priority action areas GoA endorsed NMTPF in April 2012 during 28 th FAO Regional Conference for Europe held in Baku, Azerbaijan on April 2012

5 Strength of NMTPF approach It is useful to better target and coordinate FAO’s work at country level It is an established framework clarifying FAO’s priorities to guide country assistance  It takes a results-based approach that builds on FAO’s comparative strengths  NMTPF is a good opportunity to strengthen relationships with stakeholders and strengthened visibility of FAO in the country  Is a resource mobilization tool, useful to attract additional funds and to develop synergies with other development partners.

Challenges No capacity strengthening/training programs were provided for the country staff for NMTPF formulation and implementation, M&E mechanisms Limited staff resources in the country office Unclear funds’ sources and mobilization strategy and mechanisms for implementation of NMTPF Lengthy Government endorsement procedure which negatively influenced to the full implementation of NMTPF because of lack of support from the Government in terms of resource mobilization and low level cooperation for its implementation and M&E

Lessons Learnt FAO financial contribution to the operationalization of NMTPF. Estimated resource requirements/allocation by FAO, as well as by Government and other partners Need for capacity strengthening of the DOs in NMTPF formulation process and implementation It should focus on a limited set of priorities where FAO’s assistance would have the greatest impact and for which there would likely be some funding Increased awareness of the relevant government counterparts for increased acceptance of NMTPF by the country.