Christian Stewardship Just as humans have been created in God’s image, the whole of creation has been designed to reflect God’s abundant kindness for all. As part of creation, humans are to reflect God to the rest of creation, to care for and tend this world as God would, because creation is beloved to God.
Christian Stewardship This caretaking, called stewardship, requires that we value the rest of creation as good in itself, not simply because it is useful to us. Thus God, human beings, and all of creation are meant to live in a grace-filled, respectful relationship with each other.
Christian Stewardship In what ways are we Christian Stewards? Brainstorm a number of ways in which we prove that we are Christian stewards Community service Going to church Recycling Attending Catholic school Environmental protection Food drives Bullying prevention awareness Habitat for Humanity Being good to each other Confessing sins Caring for those in need others?? ?
Principles for Land Stewardship 30 years ago, a number of American Bishops outlined ten principles for stewardship of the land gathered from the Scriptures and the teaching of the Church: The land is God’s. People are God’s Stewards on the land. The land’s benefits are for everyone. The land should be equally distributed The land should be conserved and restored. Land use planning must consider social and environmental impacts. Land use should be appropriate to land quality. The land should provide a moderate livelihood. The land’s workers should be able to become the land’s owners. The land’s mineral wealth should be shared.
Think about this… How are we doing? Are we respecting those 10 principles? Are some principles easier than others to comply with? What can we do at school, at home, in the community to respect these principles of land stewardship?