Variable Rate Technology Brian Montgomery InTime, Inc Director, Marketing and Customer Relations
Variable Rate Technology The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly The bad –Focusing on the tools rather than the agronomy –My goal is to save input costs The ugly –Inferior application equipment –Untimely information The GOOD –We are past a lot of the growing pains associated with VRT –VRT is profitable and is the “way” of farming tomorrow
Variable Rate Technology Data Sources Aerial based image products Grid soil samples Electrical conductivity data Yield data Historical data
Variable Rate Technology Equipment Ground applicators –VR dry –VR sprayers Aerial Applicators –VR liquid –VR dry – Not quite there All systems vary the carrier volume What is the next step in VRT? –Direct injection
Variable Rate Technology Why farm with VRT? –Increase Net Profits HOW? –Reduced input costs –Increased yields –Environmental stewardship We MUST accomplish ALL!!!
2.3 gallons 0 gallons 3.0 gallons Rx & As-Applied Acres Variable Rate Application Saved $2.53 / Acre Versus (8 oz) / Acre Blanket VR Pix Scout Map Rx As-Applied 2.3 gallons 0 gallons 3.0 gallons Rx & As-Applied VR Pix Scout Map Rx As-Applied
Budworm Spray Steward Total A’s = Lowest Biomass 7 Highest Biomass 5 100% Budworm presence 0 GPA 7.5 GPA Late Season Budworm application VR Cost 0.0 GPA = acres - $ GPA = acres - $ Imagery Cost = $ Total VR Cost = $ Blanket Application Cost = $ TOTAL SAVINGS = $ or $4.84/A 46% Chemical Savings ( acres)
InTime’s Vari-Scout Map Variable Rate Defoliation Location: Missouri Bootheel Crop: Cotton Field Size: 31.6 Acres Imagery Acquired: September 1, 2005 VR Defoliation Applied: September 20, 2005 Notes: This prescription was applied using a JD6500 equipped with a Raven Viper. The consultant was able to achieve a one-time defoliation on this field, for $14.29/A in chemical.
VR Defoliation – Once Over Used Vari-Scout to make a One-Time Defoliation
InTime’s Vari-Scout Map Variable Rate Defoliation Location: Missouri Bootheel Crop: Cotton Field Size: Acres Imagery Acquired: September 1, 2005 VR Defoliation Applied: September 15, 2005 Notes: This prescription was applied using a SatLoc Aerial Ace. The consultant was able to achieve a one-time defoliation on this field, for $14.72/A in chemical.
VR Defoliation – Once Over Multiple VR PGR & insecticide applications One-Time VR defoliation DP 432 RR 2004 Yield lbs/A 2005 Yield lbs/A
Variable rate nitrogen top- dress applied Vari-Scout 2004 Growing Season Image collected 7 DAT Image used for defoliation and VR nitrogen application in 2005 Image shows incorrect irrigation timing Variable rate PGR and insecticide application made
Vari-Scout A Story of Profit Potential What’s Going On In This Field?Effects Of Crop Rotation! Cotton After Corn Cotton After Cotton
Vari-N from Feb % N 3.45% N 4.2% N
Vari-N from Aug lbs N 71 lbs N59 lbs N
lbs Ammonium Nitrate 2004 Yield lbs/A 2005 Yield lbs/A DP 445 BG/RR < 10 Acres DP 444 BG/RR
InTime Vari-Soil Collect directed soil samples Apply lab recommended rates based on soil variation Sample ID Potassium Level Phosphate Level
Vari-Gation Variable Rate Irrigation –Apply Appropriate water rates across fields
Variable Rate Technology and “Precision Ag” VRT is a part of precision ag Site specific data provides the information for managers to make PROFITABLE decisions That’s It!! It’s all about increasing Profits
InTime Inc. Providing Producers Crop Management Solutions!