Humanoid دکتر سعید شیری قیداری Amirkabir University of Technology Computer Engineering & Information Technology Department
Android My beloved…. Repliee Q2
HUMANOID: Locomotion Direct and Inverse kineamtics Walking in which body’s center of gravity moves altenately on right side and left side At all times at least one foot in contact with floor and during brief phase both feet in contact with floor
HUMANOID: Walking Model Created by Boulic et al. (1990) Mathematical parameterization coming from biomechanical data Spatial, temporal an joint parameters of free walking Spatial values normalized by height of thigh
HUMANOID: Grasping Approach based on 3 steps: Heuristic grasping decision Inverse kinematics to find final arm posture Multi-sensor hand
HUMANOID: Multi-sensor hand Sphere multi-sensors with both touch and length sensor properties Efficient for actor grasping problem Group of objects attached to articulated figure Sensor activated for any collision with other objects or sensors
HUMANOID: Behavior Control From path planning to complex emotional interactions. Animator responsible for design of behaviors Like theatrical director initialize animation environment while (not terminated) { update scene. realize perception of environment. select actions based on sensorial input, actual state, specific behavior. execute selected actions. }
HUMANOID: Motion Capture Flock of birds Calibration retaining motion realism Process of perturbation introduced by soft tissue and muscle displacement
Representation of Rotation Before we go further, we should consider a few different ways of representing orientation Each has its own advantages / disadvantages