Advisory Editorial Board CHAIRPERSON Prof. Dilip K. Bandyopadhyay (Vice-Chancellor, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University) MEMBERS Dr. B. P. Joshi (Registrar, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University) Prof. Suman Gupta (Dean, University School of Law and Legal Studies) Prof. M. Afzal Wani (Prof. in Law at University School of Law and Legal Studies)
Editorial Board EDITOR -IN- CHIEF Dr. A. P. Singh (Asstt. Prof. in Law, University School of Law and Legal Studies) STUDENT MEMBERS Manish Chandra Sahil Khanna (5 th year, B.A., LLb.) (4 th Year, B.B.A., LLb.) Anwesha Singh Apoorva Thakur (5 th Year, B.A., LLb.) (4 th Year, B.A., LLb.) Aaina Duggal Raveena Sarao (5 th Year, B.A., LLb.) (4 th Year, B.A., LLb.)
Contents Lead Article 1 Contemporary Indian Practice 2 (Prof. M. Afzal Wani) Article 2 Labour and Industrial Policies 7 (Mr. Gurujit Singh) 3 Environmental Policies in India 13 (Prof. A. P. Singh) Notes & Comments 4 Amendments in Indian Penal Code 17 (Ms. Upma Gautam) Sno.Topic Page no.
Judgment Review 5 Mr. Xavier vs. Mrs. Xavier, (AIR 1955 SC 34) 27 (Mrs. Shivani) Book Review 6 Justice in Robes: Dworkin 35 (Mr. Rakesh) Sno. Topic Page no.
THE THREAT ON ENVIRONMENT Prof. A.P. Singh* The world today has a threat from the increasing number of industries and over usage of the limited resources that the earth possesses. It has been rightly said “this world has enough for everyone’s need but not enough for everyone’s greed”. This article concentrates on the above point and thereby attempts to address the issue INTRODUCTION We today do concentrate on the fact that we have limited resources but still sit and do nothing towards it, and further this is declining the limited resources we have. In the following paragraphs the author tries to address the issues. In the course the author tries to analyse the issues raised by the various conventions and also further attempts to address the concerns of various governments and legislations made for promotion of this interest. THE CHANGE Mere raising of the issues at an international or national level will not serve any purpose till an action is actually taken. * The Author is a Professor at USLLS, GGSIPU Ms. Juhi Singh, The Fazer, India Today, vol. 23 issue 7 (Delhi issue), August 2011 {month and year}, at pg. 25
GUIDELINES FOR THE SUBMISSION OF CONTRIBUTIONS TO ‘INDRAPRASTHA LAW JOURNAL’ Original and unpublished research contributions in the form of Articles ( words) Judgment Reviews ( words), Notes and Comments (3000 – 4000) and Book Reviews ( words) may be submitted as a hardcopy and a softcopy in MS-Word format (editable). The copies may be mailed both in soft and hard copy to: Dr. A.P. Singh, Room No. 107, University School of Law & Legal Studies Block C, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Sector 16 C, Dwarka, New Delhi ( The following Guidelines are to be strictly adhered to by the authors. Submissions which do not substantially confirm to the guidelines shall be returned without any editing. The TITLE of the submission should be in 14 font, Times New Roman, Centre aligned. Further BODY should be in 12 font, Times New Roman, Justified. An ABSTRACT of maximum 300 words should be provided in Font Same As Body, on a different page than the main body and should also indicate, Author’s Name, Designation, Place of work / study, address The FOOTNOTES of the submission should be Complete and Traceable for all practical purposes. Submissions with incomplete, untraceable or wrong footnotes shall be rejected for further consideration of publication. The citing of sources should be as following samples: Books: M.N. Shaw, Public International Law, Oxford University Press (London), 4 nd Edition, at pg. 455 Books (edited): V.N. Shukla, Constitution of India (M.P. Singh ed.), Eastern Book Company (India), 7 th Edition, at pg. 67 Judgments: Mr. X vs. Y Hospital, AIR 1978 SC 3838, at pg Journals: Dr. A.P. Singh, Scholasticus, NLU Jodhpur Review (India), Vol. 23 issue 23, 2008 {year of publication}, at pg. 353 Newspapers: Mr. Aakash Deep, The Terror in India, The Times of India (Delhi issue), dated 12 th January 2011, at pg. 14 Newspaper (by correspondent): The National Pleasure, The Hindu (Mumbai issue), dated 12 th September 2011, at pg. 15 Magazine: Ms. Juhi Singh, The Fazer, India Today, vol. 23 issue 7 (Delhi issue), August 2011 {month and year}, at pg. 25 Magazine (author unknown): The Challenge of Poverty, The Outlook, vol. 22 issue 3 (Mumbai issue), January 2010 {month and year}, at pg. 34