Topic: Teachings of the Buddha Unit: Ancient India.


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Presentation transcript:

Topic: Teachings of the Buddha Unit: Ancient India


Buddhism: a religion founded in India based on the teachings of Buddha which teaches that the most important thing in life is to reach peace by ending suffering. The lotus is a symbol of Buddha. It represents purity.

Four Noble Truths: the principles that rule life and promise an end to suffering.

Teachings of the Buddha The Buddha gave his first sermon in the deer park where he taught the four main ideas of his teachings. Four Noble Truths 1.All life is full of suffering. 2.We suffer because we desire things that are illusions. We want material possessions. 3.The way to not suffer is to overcome our desire. 4.To do that one must follow the Eightfold path, or Middle Way.

Middle Way: A way of life neither too strict nor too easy that results from following the Eightfold Path


Team: Elbow partner Time: 2 Minutes Talk: Why did Siddhartha see the “middle way” as a path to enlightenment? Task: Write down a one sentence answer that best explains an answer to this question.

Eightfold Path: The basic rules of behavior and belief leading to an end of suffering

Reincarnation: The Buddha taught the belief of Samsara, or Reincarnation. As long as one is tied to material possessions of this earth and does not achieve enlightenment, then one will have suffering. Nirvana: a state of perfect peace. The ultimate goal of Buddhism is to be released from the cycle of death and rebirth.

Ancient Ways The Buddha taught that following the Vedic texts were unnecessary. Challenged the authority of the brahmins Changing Society A more individualistic approach to enlightenment Rebirth as a means to evolve Challenging Hindu Ideas Caste System Opposed caste system- Buddhism appeals to all castes The Eightfold Path could lead any individual to nirvana.

B uddha believed that the most important thing in life was to reach peace by ending suffering.

Buddhism branches out Buddhism splits Asoka, one of the most powerful kings in India, became a Buddhist in the 200’s BCE and spread Buddhism in India and foreign lands. Buddhist missionaries traveled the world to teach enlightenment. Buddhism split into two main sects: Theravada and Mahayana. Members of the Theravada followed the Buddha’s teachings exactly. Members of the Mahayana believed that individual interpretation was important. Buddhism began in India and then became a major religion.

Monk: A man who devotes his life to a religious group, often giving up all he owns.

Monastery: A community in which monks lead lives devoted to religion.

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