Implementing Integrative STEM Education in the Classroom Great Plains STEM Education Center MSP Grant
The grant….. Edgeley Ellendale Enderlin Kensal LaMoure Lidgerwood Litchville-Marion McClusky Funding provided by ND DPI Through the Federal Math & Science Partnership Eligible Schools: Title I 40% free & reduced lunch
Teacher Benefits/Reimbursements $150 stipend per workshop day ($150 x 10 = $1500 max) $50 stipend for Family Engineering Night $50 stipend for STEM Design Challenge Night One graduate credit for every 15 hours attended (5 max) Classroom curriculum materials ($ amount TBD) $0.575 mileage reimbursement $80.10 hotel reimbursement (if applicable in June)
Binder Contents Calendar of events List of all participants STEM Education Teaching Endorsement (12 cr) handout (President Obama) Informed consent (data collection) WiFi access: username & password Scratch paper K-12 STEM Challenge poster Additional handouts to come…. Be sure to bring your binder back with you to all VCSU sessions! Leave your name badges with us when you leave today.
Today’s goals / objectives Registration / Introductions / Pre-assessment evaluation Analyze: What is STEM Education? Investigate: The Engineering Design Process (EDP) 21 st Century Skills (the 4 Cs) (Sue Pfeifer, Associate Professor, CSSE) Prep for Family Engineering Night Discuss student assessment / evaluation
STEM Education Curriculum SOME curriculum opportunities / experiences / activities from this grant project will be directly applicable to your classroom. SOME may not be directly applicable to your classroom. Mindset ALL opportunities / experiences / activities are designed to help establish a “mindset” of what STEM education is. Your “mindset” IS directly applicable to your classroom.
We, as teachers….. “are NOT holders of knowledge.”