Organizational Learning Through Data Review ILT January 12, 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

Organizational Learning Through Data Review ILT January 12, 2015

Outcomes  Understand the district approach to evaluating effectiveness of curriculum and instructional delivery through data review processes  Appreciate the potential collective impact of small individual improvements in STAAR performance  Recognize the district CBA data analysis process

Organizational Learning The detection and correction of error (Argyris & Schön, 1978) Organization-wide continuous improvement process that enhances the collective ability to accept, make sense of, and respond to internal and external change Systematic integration and collective interpretation of new knowledge gained through risk-taking as experimentation resulting in organizational action Variable Inputs Predictable Quality Outputs D SA P Responsive Processes Argyris, C., & Schön, D. (1978). Organizational learning: A theory of action perspective. Reading, MA: Addison Wesley.

The district journey STAAR Results District Data Review Tier 1 Priorities CBA Results CBA Analysis Protocol District data review process Improved Alignment of Instructional Delivery CBA Production Errors Process Analysis Improvements to Production Process Variability in processes limits our ability to effect change

The current state What is the appropriate response to data such as these?

The current state Why is there less variability in performance in 2015 than in previous years?

The current state

Tier 1 Priorities Vocabulary of the Standards Workshop Model Guided Reading Three Types of Thinking (Close Reading) Tightening instructional delivery to improve student learning

Get 5

Level ILevel IILevel III

4 pt rubric x 2 scorers = 8 points/essay 8 points/essay x 2 essays = 16 raw score pts for essays 1 extra point/essay = 1 pt x 2 scorers x 2 essays = 4 pts extra Grade 4 Writing PlusOne impact on overall score Essays

1 pt x 2 scorers x 2 essays = 4 pts 1 pt x 2 scorers x 2 essays x 2 = 8 pts Grade 4 Writing Grade 7 Writing 1 pt x 2 scorers x 1 essay x 3 = 6 pts English I and English II

Calibrating instruction and assessment using district CBAs Lessons Unit 1 Common assessment CA Assessments CACA Regroup, Reteach, Redesign Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4 PLC District CBA PLC Evaluate alignment between classroom instruction, common assessments and district CBAs CurriculumCoordinators District Data Review CBA Analysis Protocol Suggestions for Reteach/Review Curriculum Improvements PLCs have a responsibility to maintain quality control over instructional delivery

The current state

CBA central data review process  Identify 3 items with the lowest performance on two tests under the coordinator’s purview  Determine what students should know and be able to do to correctly answer the questions  Use item answer distribution to determine common errors in thinking or problem solving  Ascertain where in the scope and sequence students had an opportunity to learn the necessary content or skills  Celebrate data indicating performance improvement or mastery of standards  Based on OFIs identified, develop materials for review or reteach and make updates to curriculum documents

TEKS 4.5B. Predict the changes caused by heating and cooling such as ice becoming liquid water and condensation forming on the outside of a glass of ice water 4.5B (Unit overview, 1 st 6 weeks): Students might think that condensation on a glass comes from inside the glass, rather than from the outside air; be sure to clarify that water vapor in the air condenses on the glass. See note for 4.5B in Resources below. 4.5B Resources AIMS Kool Kups; STEMScopes Engage; STEMScopes Explore Part 3, etc. 60% 20% 11% 8%

Data review take-aways  Recognition that we need to be finding solutions, rather than making excuses  Find ways to address gaps both moving forward this year, and by improving curriculum and delivery for next year  Currently in the learning curve to determine the most efficient and effective way to review CBA data and respond in a manner conducive to improving instruction  Meeting with HEB coordinators  Beefing up review process for February CBAs  Implementing expectations for similar reviews at the campus level next year