Diffusion is… … the spreading out of a gas or liquid as their particles move and mix. diffusion only takes place if there is a difference in concentration of the substance. This is known as the concentration gradient. the substance moves from high concentration to an area of lower concentration. the higher the concentration gradient the faster the rate of diffusion. small molecules diffuse more quickly than large ones.
Diffusion In your Lungs
High concentration of CO2 in blood Low concentration of CO2 in air High concentration gradient CO2 diffuses from blood to air Animation from BBC Bitesize
High concentration of O2 in air Low concentration of O2 in blood High concentration gradient O2 diffuses from air to blood Animation from BBC Bitesize
Diffusion In your Intestine
High concentration of glucose in intestine Low concentration of glucose in blood High concentration gradient Glucose diffuses from intestine to the blood
Diffusion Into cells
High concentration of glucose and O2 in blood Low concentration of glucose and O2 in cell High concentration gradient Glucose and O2 diffuses from blood into the cell