Vietnam Test Feedback
Question 1 Study Source A. ‘What is the message of the cartoon?’ Use the details of the cartoon and your own knowledge to explain. What should my answer look like? Paragraph 1 Explain the message Eg: The message of the cartoon is… (think carefully about what point the cartoon is trying to say, ie what could it be a metaphor for?) Use a detail from the source Eg: You can see how the cartoon is trying to make this point by… (add a detail from the cartoon and explain how it shows the message) Add your own knowledge Eg: This cartoon was giving this message at this particular time because… (use your own knowledge to explain the context of the cartoon and some factual detail which helps you to explain the message) Note: In the cartoon the 2 horses are pulling Nixon in different directions – what is this trying to suggest about the practicality of Nixon’s policies? Do you think the cartoonist thinks Nixon’s policies are suitable or successful? 7 marks
What should my answer look like? Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Explain one reason why the war became unpopular Eg: One reason the war became unpopular was because… For example … This helped to make the war unpopular because… Explain a second reason why the war became unpopular Eg: Another reason why the war became unpopular was… For example… This resulted in unpopularity because… Note: Your reasons could include: opposition to the draft system, the cost, the media coverage, the lack of apparent success Make sure you fully EXPLAIN your reasons by adding the last sentences which link back to the question. Try to repeat the words of the question to help you focus. 8 marks Question 2 Explain why the war in Vietnam became increasingly unpopular in America.
Question 4a) Describe the Vietcong tactics in Vietnam What should my answer look like? One paragraph Simply give details of four tactics (1mark each) or explain two (2 marks each). Eg: One Vietcong tactic was....their deliberate lack of a uniform. They did not wear uniform so Americans could not tell the difference between a civilian and an enemy. (2 marks) Note: You could include: guerrilla warfare, ambushes, booby traps, ‘hanging on the US belts’, no uniform, Ho Chi Minh trail. Remember, if you use bullet points you should write at least a sentence for each bullet point, NOT just individual words. 4 marks
Question 4b) Explain why the USA got involved in the Vietnam War What should my answer look like? Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Explain one reason. Eg: One reason why the US got involved was because… for example they thought… This pushed the US to get involved because… Explain a second reason: Eg: Another reason the US decided to intervene in Vietnam was due to… for example… This meant that the US had to get involved because… Note: You could include: opposition to communism, the domino theory, commitment to policy of containment, American reputation, president Johnson’s reputation, the French defeat left a power vacuum, once they had already begun they couldn’t back out, the US involvement in the assassination of Diem, public pressure on the government to be pro-active against communism. Remember to repeat the words of the question at the beginning and end of your explanations. 6 marks
Question 4c) ’The Tet Offensive was the most important reason for the American government’s decision to withdraw from Vietnam’. How far do you agree with this statement? What should my answer look like? Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Explain how the Tet influenced the US to withdraw: Eg: In some ways Tet made the US decide to withdraw because… for example when… This showed the US that they needed to withdraw because… Furthermore it helped to make the decision because… Explain other reasons why the US withdrew: Eg: However US also decided to withdraw for other reasons because… for example… This also put pressure on the US to withdraw because… Note: This must be a two sided debate. Explain the reasons the factor in the question was important AND explain alternative reasons. Other reasons include: cost, media, protests, morale, lack of success. 10 marks Conclusion Conclude – answer the question directly: Eg: Thus, whilst X was clearly vital because,... Y was fundamentally important because.... Without the pressure of X… Although X sparked the decision, Y was underlying…