1 Math CAMPPP 2011 Breakout Session 3: Responding to Students Over Time Context - Proportional Reasoning
Learning Goals I will practice providing feedback to students, based on their work, to move towards the attainment of learning goals. I will reflect on the mathematical content understanding(proportional reasoning) required to plan for effective feedback. 22
Before/Part 1/Minds On Baiting the Hook Let’s find a partner to play a game that will help us to activate our prior learning. Find someone whose card has a fraction that is equivalent to yours. 3
Get In Line (A Dice Game) Roll two dice. Create a proper fraction. Repeat four more times. Work with your partner to order the fractions from least to greatest. Think about ways you could use this game, or a variation, with your class. 4
Fractions on a Number Line 5 Place the following numbers on a number line.
During/Part 2/Action We will be viewing a video clip from the CSC website to explore how teachers can work together, or alone, to examine student work in the midst of a 3 part lesson, and prepare to give feedback that will move student thinking forward. While you view, please record your thoughts on the observation sheet. 6
During/Part 2/Action Small Group Discussion: Discuss your observations, first with an elbow partner, then with your table group (Think-Pair-Share) 7
Problem Solving with a Partner Josie, Christina, Audrey and Manny go shopping. Josie spends 4/5 of her money, Christina spends 75% of her money, Audrey spends 0.68 of her money and Manny spends 17/20 of his money. Who has the largest percentage of their money left? Justify your answer. Solve this problem with your partner and anticipate other possible student solutions.
Lesson Play Here are some examples of student work from this Grade 6 EQAO problem from 2008 In order to practice providing effective feedback, we are going to engage in a lesson play, where you have the opportunity to script/act out the discussion that might happen between the student and teacher, in response to a piece of student work. 9
Lesson Play Share your lesson play with another group. Large group discussion, with an option to share. To learn more about Lesson Play, we have included an article on your memory stick. 10
Turkey Time 11 A turkey weighs 9.75 kilograms. It takes about 20 minutes to cook 500 grams of this turkey. Based on this information, how many minutes does it take to cook the whole turkey? Work with a partner to solve the problem. Post your solution, in preparation for a Gallery Walk.
Gallery Walk Tour the posted work with your partner and provide written feedback to others, based on the math you see. 12
Gallery Walk - Another View Let’s view a video from the Schools in the Middle spring session. Listen to how students provide feedback to each other, as they work on the same problem. 13
After/Part 3/Consolidation Consider the following discussion questions: How is student feedback different from teacher feedback? How is it helpful? How do you build this culture in your classroom? What is the teacher’s role during this discourse? 14
Fishing for Your Thoughts I love fishing. You put that line in the water and you don’t know what’s on the other end. Your imagination is under there. -Robert Altman How does this quote relate to what you’ve done today? Take a moment to jot your thoughts in your journal. Attach a bobber to your fishing hat. A bobber lets you know that you might have a “fish” on the line. 15