What minerals in Hairspray and what do they contribute By Megan D
Why do I want to know this I wanted to know how hairspray really effects your hair and what minerals are in it that contribute to effecting your hair.
What is a Mineral A mineral is a natuarally occurring substance that is a solid and stable at room temperature, representable by a chemical formula, usually abiogenic, and has ordered atomic structures.
What minerals are in your hairspray Sodium Benzoate Silicone Sodium PCA
Sodium Benzoate Is used as a preservative, although it also functions as a corrosion inhibitor. Corrosion Inhibitor means a chemical compound that when added to a liquid or gas decreases corrosion. It is also used to control bacteria, mold,yeasts, and other microbes.
How does this effect your hair It is not considered a danger to your health but it has always been a wonder if it is. It is also found in other beauty care products and have been not to have a hazardous effect on our skin, body, or hair.
Sodium PCA Sodium PCA is used as a moisturizer for hair and skin products. So when your hair gets wet from the hairspray it’s a Sodium PCA. Some sprays include vitamins such as tocoperols (Vitamin E) or panthenol, which is metabolized in the skin to become pantothenic acid a B Vitamin. It is found naturally in the skin and using skin care products containing it can keep the levels up.
How does this effect your hair? It is not harmful to use it actually helps your hair and skin. It keeps skin replenished and hair not dry. It eliminates dry and fizzy hair and gives your hair volume.
Silicone It is used to eliminate tackiness and it is a thickener, it acts as a lubricant and gives the resulting coating a silkier feel.
How does this effect your Hair? Hair is made up of keratin so when dry hair is damaged it cant be repaired. Silicone although might help your dry hair look healthy it cannot heal hair or change its structure or natural texture. It is not hazardous.
Other Products that contain these ingredients Natural Hair Gel- This Product has Sodium PCA Hair Mousse- Contains Sodium Hydroxide Shampoo- contains types of sodium, sodium lauryl sulfate, and sodium laureth sulfate. Also it contains magnesium Most hair products contain silicone unless it says on the label silicone free
In conclusion The effects of the minerals in hairspray don’t damage your hair but help it. So they actually contribute good things to your hair.
Bibliography Works Cited "Hair spray." Wikipedia. 30 Mar Wikimedia Foundation. 30 Mar "HairBoutique Blog." Hair Health Beauty blogs by HairBoutiquecom RSS. 01 Apr "Ingredients -- Hair spray." Ingredients. 30 Mar Pleasant, Pamela, and W. Everett. WiseGeek. 04 Jan Conjecture. 01 Apr Russell, Michael. "Styling Gel Ingredients." EHow. 01 Apr Demand Media. 30 Mar "Silicone for Dry Hair." LIVESTRONG.COM. 07 Feb LIVESTRONG.COM. 01 Apr "What minerals are found in hair spray?" WikiAnswers. Answers Corporation. 30 Mar